“Oh my gosh, Gabriel, that’s amazing. What did you say?”

“I said to send the paperwork, set up a meeting.”

I squeed with excitement. “I’m so happy for you.”

“For us.”

“Definitely us.” I kissed him, slow and deep.

His hands roamed, his lips caressing. He pulled his mouth from mine and searched my face. “Marry me.”

All the air in my lungs whooshed out.“What?”

“I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Layana.”

“I love you, too. But Morgan and I can’t both be wedding planning at the same time. That’s too much planning. It’ll make my brain explode.”

“Let’s go right now. To Vegas. I don’t want to go another day without you being my wife.”

I squeed harder.“That’s crazy.”

“Sure, but is that a yes?”

“I have to bring my crew. We need to give them at least a few days’ notice.”

“I’d like my sister to be there, too. And Oma. And Jasper.”

“Are you committed to Vegas?”

“No. I’m only committed to you.”

“What’s that island where your sister is hanging out? It looks gorgeous, the perfect place to get married.”

“Calypso Caribella.”


“Okay doesn’t sound like yes. I’m going to need a real, clear confirmation here.”

I kissed my answer, promising him forever, promising him everything that I was. He kissed me back just as fiercely. I didn’t ever want to let go, and I wouldn’t have to.

I whispered against his lips, “Yes.”

Thanks for readingLayana and Gabriel’s story. I hope you loved spending time with them as much as I did!

Guess what? It’s time for a destination wedding.

Esme Stryker ran away for a reason. The last person she wants showing up on her doorstep is Jasper Carrington, her childhood nemesis.

But they’re both in the wedding party, which means loads of time stuck together. Yay?