“My calves are on fire. My lungs are on fire. And my head feels like someone took a brick to it. After a few smashes, theyshoved it in a blender. Why do you actively choose to torture yourself like this? I hate it.”

“That’s what you said yesterday, yet you came along again anyway.”

“Because it’s fun to pinch your bee butt when you run.”

The corners of his eyes crinkled. “You made it a whole block closer this time.”

“I’ll never make this mistake again.”

“Until tomorrow. And you’ll make it the entire way.”

“No. Never.” Maybe.

Gabriel raised a brow. “Come here.”

I tried to shuffle to meet him halfway, but my muscles refused to obey my commands.

“I hate routines,” I said as Gabriel bent down in front of me and let me climb onto his back.

“I know,” he said. “Let’s do something wild later to make up for it.”

“Like what?” I held on and snuggled against him as he carried me piggyback toward our house.

He felt good. This was my favorite part of the routine. Maybe tomorrow, even if I could make it the whole way, I’d ask him to carry me anyway, just that last stretch because I loved it too much to let go.

I loved him too much to ever let go.

“If we plan it,” he said, “that wouldn’t be very spontaneous, would it?”

His words vibrated gently against my cheek. I felt his muscles move, felt his heart beating. This was my happy place.

“Mmm,” I said, completely and utterly content.

Too soon, we returned to our utilitarian house, with its brand-new superfluous finishes. We showered,together.Then we ate protein and veggies and whole grains on the super comfy,not at all smelly sofa that I’d picked out for optimal snuggle space.

My phone rang, and the lit screen displayed Morgan’s name.

“I have to take this,” I said, giddy excitement filling my chest.

“Of course,” Gabriel said.

“Hi,” I told Morgan. “What’s?—”

“Turn on channel five right now.”

“Channel five? Like live TV? Who has live TV?”

“Go to their website. On your phone. Right now.”

“Okay, jeez.” Before I could hang up, Morgan did. Then I did as she’d demanded and pulled up the news website.

In the center of my phone screen was Maxim freaking Loughty in tears and handcuffs being gently led into a police car.

I gasped. “Oh my banana.”

Gabriel shot me a confused look, then leaned in closer to see the screen. “Is that?—”
