My stomach dropped. She already knew I was here.

“First, a test of agility and speed," she continued. "Make your way through the tunnel without triggering the traps I've laid.”


I squinted towards a garland-lined archway readingTunnel of Lovein looping script.

Was it better to follow along or push back?

“Who’s your friend, Layana?”

Was this about Harold, or was this a trick question?

I licked my lips, moving closer to the tunnel. I called out, “You are?”

Dani barked a laugh. “I meant the big guy following you.”

That meant she could not only see me, but hear me. I twisted on my heel and looked back at Harold.

“That’s Harold. He loves tunnels. Can he play in the Love Tunnel while I jump ahead?”

“Sure, for my best friend, anything,” Dani said.

I pointed at Harold and gestured at the tunnel. He scowled back at me.

“She can see,” I whispered. “You have to do it. At least go over there for a minute. The cops will be here any moment.”

He gritted his teeth.

I squared my shoulders. “Do. It.”

I didn’t know if I looked threatening with my four-inch shoe daggers or if my scowl would have any effect on Harold, but we had a stare down, and I stood my ground.

He gave me a curt nod. “Only for a second. Then I’m following you.”

“Peachy,” I said.

“In the next test, you'll need to rely on your intellect,” Dani said over the speaker. “Answer correctly, and you'll win a clue to Gabriel's location.”

Finally, we were getting somewhere. “Ask me anything.”

Dani cleared her throat. “Here is your question: What has six wheels and flies?”

I blinked, waiting for the real question. “Wait, is this a riddle?”

“You have ten seconds!” Dani announced in a gameshow host voice.

“Uh, okay...a flying train?” I glanced desperately back at the direction Harold had gone. Did trains have six wheels?

A deafening buzzer sounded.

“Time's up!” Dani said. “I'm afraid the correct answer is: a garbage truck full of dead birds. Better luck next time!”

Crap on a cracker. What was she going to do next? And where in the frack was Gabriel?

Before I could think of what sort of weird flattery I could use to manipulate Dani, she made a sharp choking sound. Then her voice cut out completely.

“Dani?” I called. “You said anything for your best friend, right? And since we’re such good friends, I’d really appreciate if you’d tell me where I can find Gabriel. Your games are fun, but I’m scared. You don’t want me to be scared, do you?”