I wasn’t certain if it would be better to acknowledge that I did in fact remember her, or to continue acting as if I did not. She had clearly lost her grip on reality. Correcting her delusional history was unlikely to be beneficial at the moment. I had no idea how she would react. I had no idea what she was capable of.

A thought occurred to me, chilling my blood. “It’s just me you’ve taken, right?”


“Layana. Did you hurt her?”

She scoffed. “Why would I hurt my best friend?”

Her best friend?After obsessing over my success and pretending she had somehow been involved, she’d latched onto Layana as well.

“Granted, she didn't have the guts to take you down like I told her to,” she said. “I did my part. I shaved the yeti. I scared him. Criss-cross, likeStrangers on a Train,you know? Or better yet,Throw Momma from the Train,because in the end, the two main characters become best friends like me and Layana. I like trains. But aside from collecting evidence, LayLay never made her move against you, like she was supposed to.”

My heart stuttered. “What move?”

“She didn’t publish your secrets. That’s why I had to do it for her. She’ll thank me. Don’t worry.”

Layana’s landlord hadn’t stolen her laptop. This stalker woman had. She believed they were friends, and nothing good would happen when that delusion popped.

I needed to free myself. I strained against the ropes again but only succeeded in chafing my wrists.

My captor smirked, seeming to enjoy my struggle. “I'd stop fighting if I were you. You're only going to wear yourself out. And you'll need your strength for what comes next.”

She laughed again and crawled over top of me once more.

An engine roared to life, proving that I was in fact in the back of a van.

I was left alone, fear flooding me. What did she have planned? And how could I protect Layana from this madwoman? I needed a clear head. I needed to break free.

For both our sakes.



I’d notified the police and blatantly disregarded their warnings not to go.

I was glad I wasn’t alone, glad Harold was here to drive me. I was shaking so badly that if I were driving, I’d probably crash.

Buildings blurred past until finally, my chest burning, we reached the park's edge. It was eerily empty and still. Streetlights cast pockets of light between brooding shadows.

Somewhere in this darkness, Gabriel was at Dani's mercy.

I climbed out of Harold’s car and scanned the area for any clues. There was nothing but giant wooden hearts mocking me with their Valentine’s Day cheer.

“You stay with me,” Harold said. “Not one step out of my sight, do you understand?”

I nodded. “Sure.”

It was a fair request, fairer than the one the police had made telling me not to come at all. I still didn’t know if I could honor it.

“I'm going this way.” I pointed toward the path flanked by giant heart decorations. Before Harold could argue or grunt or whatever, I headed that way.

Two steps toward the path, and my heel caught in the dirt. I slipped both shoes off, turned them in my hands like weapons, and hurried along.

I’d heard once that a quick, thwack in the right spot with a pointy heel could puncture a human skull. I really hoped I wouldn’t have to find out.

Dani's voice crackled over the intercom system. “Welcome, Layana. I've designed a little game we can all play together.”