But getting myself worked up wasn't going to help. I needed to stay calm and handle this the right way. Gabriel would tell me to be patient and let the system run its course, and so would Morgan.

Unfortunately, patience was not one of my virtues.

I let out an exasperated sigh.

This injustice wouldn’t break me.

Somehow, some way, I'd get my laptop back.

Justice would be served. All I needed was a brilliant, fool-proof plan. My mind raced with ideas as I finally stepped outside, free of the stale police station air. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot.

I finally escaped the stale confines of the police station after hours of wasting away. The chilly winter air bit at my cheeks, but I welcomed the cold. Anything was better than the despair of that windowless torture chamber.

My security guard stood waiting beside the car.

“I hope you weren’t standing around in the cold this whole time, Harold,” I said. “I’m sure they would have welcomed you in the building. For the record, it was horrible.”

He didn’t say anything, which was fine. He was simply doing a job. We weren't friends.

“Where to, Ms. Hartley?” he asked.

I needed to regroup and figure out my next move for getting my laptop back. I climbed in the back of his car as I tried to figure that out. Should I go home or should I go to Gabriel’s?

Oh no.


We’d had plans for dinner at Mellifluous at seven, which was over two hours ago.

“Please take me to Gabriel’s,” I told Harold.

As Harold pulled onto the street, I dug my phone from my pocket.

Several missed texts from my besties greeted me, as did missed calls and a text from Gabriel. I clicked on his text.

Gabriel: Are you all right?

Shoot.I’d royally screwed up. I hoped he wasn’t worried.

Me: I was at the police station. Everything is okay

Me: Sorry to make you worry, and to miss dinner. I’m coming to your place and we can talk about it

Me: It’s been one helluva day

Still no response.I frowned at the screen.

Me: I’m still looking forward to seeing you

He didn’t respond.That wasn’t unlike him. The dude ghosted me all the freaking time, so why did my chest ache now? It was probably just residual agitation from Maxim.

If Gabriel was going to ignore me, I might as well busy myself with my friends’ chat while we drove.

I clicked on the group chat.


Juno: WHY?!?!?!?!?!