Maybe I was compelled to do it because I wanted to leave a mark, proof that I’d been here in his perfect space. Our time was already supposed to be over. He didn’t need me to help with his image anymore, or at least he wasn’t supposed to. I guessed it was still possible that he’d need one final favor, a last-minute request.
But then what?
Everything about Gabriel was the opposite of me. It was fabulously fun in the short term, but how could we possibly overcome our differences if this—whatever we were doing—lasted longer?
Ugh, the gravity of the thought was too much to bear. I needed these questions out of my head; it would be better if I could put them on page.
I dug through the overnight bag I’d stashed in the corner of the bedroom. I felt plenty of soft clothing, a bristly hairbrush, and no cold hard plastic.
A tiny ripple, not quite a flutter, passed through my stomach. Where could my laptop be? It had to be here.
I flipped the bag over on the floor and shook out the contents.
My laptop wasn’t here.
I couldn’t believe it. Ineverforgot my laptop.
I tossed everything back in the bag and debated going home. No question Harold was hanging around outside watching over me, and he’d take me to my apartment if I asked.
That was silly. I was being weird about nothing.
If I was going to write, I could do it on my phone. I settled into the new pillows on the sofa. I found myself absent-mindedly tapping my fingers on the sofa cushion, my agitation manifesting. I blew out a long, deflating breath and opened a document on my phone.
A text popped up on the screen. It was from Morgan. I’d gladly take that distraction any day.
Morgan: Hey, are you busy? I miss you
Me: Nope. Good time to chat?
A second later,my phone rang. I picked it up right away.
“It’s been forever,” I said in way of greeting.
“Agreed. Tell me everfin I’f miffed.”
“You’re eating lunch.”
She audibly gulped. “Sorry. If I don’t eat and chat, I have to put one off. And then my break will be over.”
“All good,” I said. “What you’ve missed…hmm, let’s see.”
“Your confused feelings about what’s going on between you and Gabriel. The gala. Okay, go.”
I grinned. “The gala was…weird but good. Did you know Gabriel and Jasper were friends?”
“Uh-uh,” she said. I could picture her shaking her head with her mouth full.
“Well they are. So that was a weird surprise. I spent the weekend here at Gabriel’s place, and it’s all so….”
I shook my head as if she could see me. “Normal.”
She was quiet a moment like she wasn’t sure what to say. Then with a soft hesitation in her voice she asked, “And is normal good or bad?”
“Good, I guess. It feels nice, but also like I’m living someone else’s life. I don’t belong in fancy gowns at fancy galas in fancy billionaires’ homes.”
“Okay, you’ve come to the right place on this. It’s imposter syndrome. I’ve been exactly where you are.”