“What about Jasper?” I asked.

“What about him?”

“You guys seem nothing alike. He’s so…laid-back.”

“He has a stronger work ethic than his demeanor lets on.”

I snorted. “I don’t think you have to come across a certain way to have a good work ethic. What do you two have in common? It can’t be just the rich dude thing, right?”

“His mother’s house is next door to Oma’s. We grew up together.”

“So you forged your friendship in middle school fire?” I smiled. “That’s like me and Morgan. We’ve done pretty much everything together for forever. It’s her optimism that drew me in. How about Jasper? What do you like about him?”

“You’re asking a lot of questions about Jasper.”

I sighed. “I’m asking questionsabout you.”

“Jasper is…open. Warm. Loyal.”

“And you like all of those things,” I said, only half in question.

“It can be difficult at times for me to understand him. But he didn’t let me push him away when I was a damaged kid trying to be alone.”

“That’s sweet.”

“No matter what I did or said, he always came back.”

“And you needed that.”

He scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Yes.”

“I’m glad he was there for you. Everyone deserves a friend like that.”

“I don’t know that I deserved him, but I am grateful for him.”

“I feel the same way about Morgan.”

We happened upon Mellifluous, a fancy restaurant I’d read about but had never been able to afford. I’d also heard even for super rich guys it was hard to get a reservation.

“Have you ever eaten there?” I pointed.


“It’s all the rage in the food scene. Should we try it?”

“If you’d like.”

As I walked toward the door, I wondered for the bazillionth time today if I was dressed appropriately for this. My tall heels made me feel powerful, as did the square shoulders of my stolen jacket.

No one was going to look at me and assume I didn’t belong. They’d be too busy checking out the hottie beside me. Plus, confidence could take you everywhere in life. I squared my shoulders and held my chin up high.

Still, as two dudes in tuxes opened the doors for us, a whisper of doubt crept through the back of my head.

Gabriel went right up to the maître d', asked for a table, and was directed to the bar to wait. We were getting a table. No questions asked.

Everything was easier for Gabriel. Part of me thought I should be salty about that, but I knew better now. He didn’t take his privilege for granted, and he didn’t abuse his power.

Instead, I got to enjoy the benefits, and that was bananas.