She wore her hair down in large curls, which was different from her usual style. She had on more makeup than usual as well, a classic Hollywood look that suited her. Her dress was long and emerald green—stunning, yet only a fraction as stunning as the woman wearing it.

“Looking good, hot stuff. How are you feeling?” Layana asked. Her expression was tight. She was nervous, too.

I settled in across from her. “Concerned about being on display.”More concerned about us.

She folded her hands in her lap. “It’s going to be great. I’ll be there with you the whole time, and we’ll knock their socks off with in-their-faces charm.”

It sounded like she planned to beat them into submission. I couldn’t help but smile back at her.

I wanted to tell her she looked amazing. I wanted to scoop her into my lap and taste her, run my hands all over the sheer fabric of her dress. But I didn’t want to ruin the ease we seemed to have between us. Every time we grew closer, whenever we shared a moment of vulnerability, she shut me out.

I couldn’t handle that on our last day.

I needed to keep her comfortable and happy for as long as I could before the inevitable end.

The thought made my heart hurt again already. Could I say goodbye at the end of the night? When it was time, and she was ready to be done with me, how could I let her go?

She glanced over to the open door. “Should we shut that?”

Right. “We’re waiting on someone else.”

Concerned lines formed around her eyes.

I was about to explain that Jasper had invited himself, that it would be good to have him at the gala, and how long I’d known him.

But he popped his head in first.

The look on Layana’s face—was that recognition?

“Jasper Carrington?” Her voice lifted like she not only knew him, but was happy to see him.

“Layana Hartley. What a pleasant surprise,” Jasper said. “I was going to tell my bud here that I was going to ride up front and catch up with Wallace, but?—”

Agitation flitted through my veins.

“How do you two know each other?” I asked.

“New Year’s party,” Jasper said. “And that play.”

“Mm-hmm,” Layana said. “Morgan’s fiancé is Jasper’s brother.”

I should have known that. Why didn’t I know that?

“Small world,” Jasper said with a wide smile. When he turned that smile to me, it faltered just a bit. “Well…I’m going to ride up with Wallace, let you two chat. I’ll see you when we get there, Layana.”

She gave him a wave. He shut the door.

“How do you know Jasper?” she asked.

“We’re friends,” I said.

“That’s so funny that you two know each other.”

“Mm,” I said.

“You seem…never mind.”

I opened my mouth to ask how exactly I seemed, but I knew it would only lead to a fight.