She snorted again. “You should leave that to this hottie to decide. So long as he survived the mauling.”

“He did. He actually talked to the police, and apparently whatever he said helped make them believe me. He’s why I’m not making toilet wine right now.”

“Ha. Tell me you got his number. Tell me you kissed his face off right there in that carnival, on the ground with your handcuffs on.”

“What? No. Of course not. Even if I was looking to date—which I’m not—”

Layana gave me a sad nod and a knowing frown. She’d been there for the fallout after Brent, and knew exactly why I would not be dating anyone ever again, or at least not for a very long time.

“I ran the heck away from there as soon as I got the chance,” I said.

She gave my hand a reassuring pat. “That’s a crying shame. You deserve happiness, Morgan. Even if you’re not dating, what would be the harm in indulging in some harmless, meaningless sexual shenanigans with a consenting hot stranger?”

“I attacked him with my weasel.”

She waggled her brows. “Sounds sexy to me.”

It was my turn to snort. “No. It was horrifying. Mortifying. Absolutely the worst thing that could have happened.”

“Except it didn’t end with you making toilet wine.”

“All right, not theworstthing that could have happened.”

“Oh!” Layana slapped my knee.

Startled, I blinked at her.“What?”

“It’s just like Cinderella. Only instead of a glass slipper, you left Prince Charming your weasel. He’ll have to use it to find you, try it on all the girls until he finds the right fit.”

A bubble of laughter burst from my chest. “That’s crazy.”

“Hey, I’m not the one who Cinderellaed a man with a weasel.”

“Unfortunately…I didn’t either.” I chewed my lip and debated how to say the next bit without Layana totally flipping out.

She narrowed her gaze at me. “What? What are you hiding?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.”Please don’t look under the bed.

She narrowed her eyes further, so much so that it looked like her eyes were completely closed. After a moment, she said, “All right, sure, fine.”

She wasn’t convinced. Not even a little. She watched me, waiting for me to give some sign of what I was hiding. I put on an air of trustworthiness and gave her nothing.

“Let’s pretend you’re not lying. I’ll play along,” Layana said. “Anyway, if the SpankKing has taught us anything, it’s that you really need to quit Delymo. For good this time.”

My shoulders fell. “Ugh. I can’t.”

Here we go again.

“Come with me to the next casting session,” she said. “You never know, you might love it. Of course they’ll love you.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

She rolled her eyes. “Everyone loves you. It’s your animal magnetism.”

If that was the case, I only attracted stray animals and trouble, neither of which was something I wanted.

“What’s the show?” I asked.