“You did? That’s ridiculously awesome!” She patted my arm and slid into a chair.

I could do this. We could be friends. We were good at being friends.

Morgan poured a little of the masala into a bowl and set a samosa on a napkin closer to her. “How did that go? Did someone recognize you inside as a regular?”

“No, not that I know of.” I sat down across from her.

“Too bad. Not so sad though, because I get Indian food. Yay.” She took a bite of a samosa, closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure.

My dick twitched to life at the beauty of her face, at the noise, at what felt like too intimate a moment for a friend to witness. What else would make her moan like that?

I cleared my throat and tried to focus on something else. Anything else. “I remembered my mother.”

Morgan swallowed and opened her eyes wide.

“She used to take me there,” I said. “She has curly black hair.”


I nodded.

“I’m so happy for you, Tristan,” she said. “Now that you’re remembering things, maybe you’ll remember more and more.”


Discomfort had my gut churning. When I remembered Tristan’s life, what would happen to this current life, the one I was living here and now with Morgan?

I eyed the small white bread sandwiches filled with yellow stuffing she’d set out. “Aren’t eggs supposed to be predominately white?”

“It’s the mustard,” she said.

I nodded. Did I like mustard? I grabbed a sandwich. It felt wrong in my hands. It felt like I hated tiny sandwiches. What a strange thing to hate, though.

“Why are you glaring? Is it the smell?” Morgan asked. “Did you suddenly remember you have a deep hatred for eggs?”

“I’m not sure.” I took a tentative bite. It was…palatable, but not enjoyable. I set the sandwich down.

Morgan laughed. “You don’t have to eat it. I’ll even let you share my Indian feast.”

“YourIndian feast?”

“Mm-hmm,” she said. “You should count yourself fortunate because I wouldn’t share samosas with just anyone.”

I snatched the container from the spot in front of her, pulled one out, and took a bite.

She gasped in mock surprise.“No.I wanted that one.”

I chewed, letting the flavors dance across my tongue, before reaching back into the box to grab a second.

“What if I’ve decided not to share?” I asked, pulling the box to my chest.

“After I brought you egg salad?”

“It turns out I’m not so big on egg salad.”

She laughed and dove for the box. I lifted it and stood. She chased after me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She jumped onto my back and climbed me to try and reach the box. Her soft body felt so damn good.

I swooped my arms down and out. She shimmied up my back onto my shoulder, an arm around my neck and a leg over my shoulder to try to reach.