She twisted her lips, clearly not believing me.

“Still getting used to all of this,” I said. “It’s a lot.”

She squeezed my arm. “It is. If you need to talk or if there’s anything I can do, just tell me.”


Waylen came out on set, honking his air horn.

The already bright lights beamed harsher overhead.

“I’m Waylen Archer, and this isWhat the What?, the only reality competition to air live. Let’s check out yesterday’s highlights.” He grinned and stared off into space.

Silence reigned. Waylen stood completely frozen. I swear he didn’t even blink.

Just as I was beginning to suspect he was actually a robot instead of a real person, he started back up like no time had passed.

He clapped his hands together. “What a hoot!”

The faux audience cheered through the speakers stationed around the set.

The fog I’d been feeling before began to lift. Maybe it was nerves. Maybe the bright lights and the anticipation. I wasn’t sure, but a fresh wave of energy thrummed through my veins.

“Everyone has been randomly assigned a partner for today’s challenge,” Waylen said.

I shot Layana a hopeful glance from across the room. But really, partnering with anyone would be okay, anyone but Cheesebeard.

A line of production assistants walked onto set, carrying baskets. They placed one on each of our tables.

Waylen said, “In these baskets is everything you’ll need to create a costume for your partner.”

Half the contestants were already wearing costumes, which could complicate things a bit. But alsocostumes?This was totally my wheelhouse.

Waylen threw his hands up. “Bring out the partners.”

The production assistants returned, carrying kittens and puppies and an adorable rabbit. We were making costumes for pets. This was going to be awesome.

Then my pet was delivered.

A two-foot long gigantic rodent stared up at me with its dead eyes. It had an elongated white face, round ears, and a musty, grayish-brown coat.

You’ve got to be kidding me.I looked up at the production assistant who had delivered the opossum. “This is a mistake, right?”

Holding her plastic smile, she slid a piece of paper onto the desk and slowly backed away. I glanced at the paper.


A friendly opossum who loves snuggles and banana chips.

“Want to trade?”Cheesebeard whispered from behind me.


“There’ll be no trading, no refusing, and no using any materials outside your basket,” Waylen said. “You have twenty minutes.Go!”

“I guess we’re stuck with each other,” I told Polly. “We’ll just have to win each other over.”

I kept reading the paper provided.