“We have bunk beds,” Layana said. “I’m on the bottom.”

“I didn’t say I was going to do that,” I said, crossing my arms.

I was totally going to do that.

“You were totally going to do that,” Layana said, flashing me a quick smirk. She turned her attention back to Tristan. “She brings home lost kittens and puppies all the time.”

His eye twitched at that. Why?

“The last rescue was a weasel. Morgan thinks it’s clever to hide all of her strays under my bed. But if the pair of you think I’m going to let a weird man creep around underneath me, you’re wrong.”

“He doesn’t have to go under the bed,” I said.

Layana crossed her arms. “Are you going to put him under the sink, like you did Miso? Give him a little cage and hope no one notices when he chews on the wood?”

“I don’t chew on wood,” Tristan said, completely matter of fact.

“Are you sure, Mr. Amnesia?” Layana raised a brow.

Tristan scowled at her, or at least I think that was what he was doing. It was hard to tell with his face so misshapen. Maybe he was just trying to see.

“Now if he’s not creeping around, say he’s bound with duct tape, spreadeagle and taped to the closet wall so he can’t escape….” Layana tapped a finger on her curling lips.

“I’ll figure something out on my own, thanks.” Tristan turned toward the door.

“No, wait.” I touched his shoulder. “Please.”

He didn’t make any move to leave, but he kept his back to me.

“He can sleep on the beanbags,” I said, trying to think fast. We didn’t have a proper living room, so there was no couch to offer.

“Duct taped to the stove?” Layana asked.

“No,”I said. “No tape. I’ll…stay up and watch over him, so you can be sure he doesn’t do anything bad.”

“No men are allowed—house rules,” Layana said. “How are you planning to explain this to Chloe and Stella?”

“I’ll tell them he’s my brother,” I said.

“You don’t have a brother.”

“They don’t know that.”

She shrugged. “Fine.”

Relief filled my chest, and I pumped my fist into the air. I moved around Tristan and looked up at his poor battered face. “What do you say?”

“Let me go, Morgan.”

My heart dropped.

He relaxed his shoulders. “You’re a good person. I release you from any obligation. I won’t stay somewhere I’m not wanted.”

“You can’t leave. You have nowhere to go,” I said.

“I’ll figure it out.”

“Stay,” I insisted. “If you leave, I’m going to follow you. I won’t leave you alone until you’re healed and you can safely return to your life.”