“Just a bit farther,” he said, looking way too pleased with himself.

What was this all about?

Up ahead was Cricket Falls Park, which hosted a playground, trees, fields, and a baseball diamond for the peewee league.

I was beginning to think my dad had completely lost his marbles when we passed a clump of trees andI saw.

Streamers and balloons hung down from tree branches. Carts of cotton candy sat in front of a red-and-white-striped tent. A clown cartwheeled past us.

It was almost like a tiny carnival.

And it made my heart flutter in my chest.

What was going on? What was all of this?

Layana ran out of the tent to greet me. She was positively glowing with a huge, devious smile on her face, her hands held behind her back.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” I said. “I’m so glad, but also does that mean something happened with the show? Are you not on hold anymore?”

“The show’s back on,” she said.

“That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.”

My dad waited a few steps back.

My phone was ringing in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked to see who was calling—The Resplendent Theatre.

I needed to answer. I couldn’t answer.

“The theater is back on, too,” Layana said.

“Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Does that mean…can it really be?” My finger hovered over the answer button. Everything was happening so fast.

The call went to voicemail.

I played it on speaker for Layana and my dad to hear.

“Morgan, hi. This is Janice Toussaint from the Resplendent Theatre production team. If you’re still interested, the junior costume designer position is yours. Give us a call back to confirm.”

“Junior? With your talent, they should be begging you to run the place,” Dad said.

I chuckled. “That’s not how it works.”

It was happening. My dream job was happening.

“Should I say yes?” I said to Layana, my heart light, my brain fogged with the impossibility of what was going on right before my eyes. “I say yes, right?”

“My vote is all the yeses.”

What was that supposed to mean?

She slipped something over my head—a sash—and topped me with the one and only crown of dicks.

It was the bachelorette get-up I’d made onWhat the What?

“Oh no,” I said, caught up in the ridiculousness of it. “How did you get this? And wait…don’t tell me….”

“Oh yes. The throne is awaiting you inside, m’lady.”