He flinches. “I figured if she stayed that long, she’d be in it for the long haul.”

Oliver shakes his head. “I would never have recommended this course of action. I am disheartened and embarrassed that a colleague of mine drew up such an agreement.” He doesn’t comment on why Richard might have done that, but we’re all thinking about it.

“Do you think that slimy Richard was working with her?” Maddie flops onto the couch, lying across it on her belly and propping her head up on her hands. “It sounds like one of those movies you used to play in, Dad. The best friend gets jealous and hires a woman to dupe the hero. Now you just need to expose the rat, and everyone cheers.”

“No!” We all flinch at Dad’s volume, and he turns it down a bit. “No one needs to know about this. It’s embarrassing. I’d rather pay her off and send her on her way. And maybe throw Richard in jail for embezzlement or something.”

“I think you’d have to air a lot of dirty laundry to make that stick, Dad.” John gathers the papers together and fastens them with a binder clip. “If you want to keep this quiet, you’re going to have to spend a lot of money and be satisfied with Richard being disbarred.”

Dad drops his head into his hands with a groan. Mom puts a hand on Dad’s shoulder, but he shakes it off and looks up. “No. Then he wins. He gets the money and the girl. I can’t allow that. I’m going to fight it.” He turns to Oliver. “Are you willing to work on this, or do I need to find a new legal firm?”

Oliver takes a step back and swallows. “I need to speak with the partners. If this gets out, it could negatively impact our business.”

“But if you don’t go after him and it gets out, you’ll be in worse shape.” Mom locks eyes with Oliver. “Potential clients will think you’ve covered it up.”

The lawyer shuffles a little closer to the door. “I need to consult with the partners. If you’ll excuse me…” He doesn’t wait for a response but bolts out the door.

Mom turns to Dad. “I think fighting it is the right thing to do. You know I’ve never liked Richard—he encouraged you to try all kinds of risky things. I’ve always thought he was acting out of jealousy—trying to get you into trouble—but you wouldn’t have it.”

Dad wipes a shaking hand over his face and reluctantly meets Mom’s eyes. “You were right, Loretta. You’ve always been right. I can’t believe I let you get away.” His eyes warm, and he reaches out to touch her hand.

Mom gives Dad’s fingers a squeeze. “You were young—well, younger—and under the influence of some unsavory friends.”

“But you’re back now.” He gives his famous smirk—the one that reportedly seduced hundreds of leading ladies and contributed to several Oscars. “And now that I know what a gem I had, I’m not letting you get away again.”

Mom chuckles and pulls her hand away. “Not a chance, Nick. I’ve been happily married to Timothy for eighteen years. I’m only here because you’re Nica’s father, and she made it clear you needed some help. And, to be honest, I’m thrilled to have witnessed your comeuppance.”

Blood floods Dad’s face as his jaw clenches and his nostrils flare. “You’d better not sell me out, woman!”

“Or what? You’ll leave me for a younger woman? Been there, done that.” She stands and reaches out to pat Dad’s cheek. “Don’t worry. I don’t need to see you publicly humiliated. You’re not that important to me anymore.” She swings around and wraps an arm around my waist. “Come on, Nica, let’s leave the men to their legal talk.” She pauses at the door to hold out her free hand to Maddie. “You, too.”

Maddie squeals and jumps from the couch. “Girl time! Girl time!”

Mom has always been nice to Maddie, even though her mother was one of those younger women Dad left us for. Or at least, she’s the one he married next. There were a string of flings in between. But Mom has never held that against Maddie. Not that she spent a lot of time with us, but on the rare occasions they met, Mom has always been unfailingly kind.

“Where are you staying, Mom?” I ask as Maddie shuts the door of Dad’s office behind us.

“I was hoping to stay with you.” She peers into the kitchen as we pass. “Hasn’t changed a bit. I’m shocked he never updated it.”

“My mom was never into cooking, and Number Four wasn’t here long enough.” Maddie skips up beside us and flings an arm around me. “And Monica didn’t like Copper Butte. She never came here, from what I’ve heard.”

“Smart woman.” Mom shivers a little. “I need to get out of this house. Let’s go to your place.”

I consider borrowing one of Dad’s remaining cars to drive Mom and her three suitcases to my house but decide against it. I already have the yellow Porsche, and if I ask for another car, he might remember and demand I return that one. I suppose I could rent a car—especially since I like to remind him I’m an independent woman—but the Porsche would just sit there if I didn’t drive her. And she’s so much fun!

“I’ll text John to bring your luggage over later,” I tell her as we pass the cluster of cases in the foyer. “But Maddie and I rode scooters, so we’ll have to walk.”

We carry the two-wheelers down the steps and unfold them. Mom watches as Maddie jumps on and takes hers down the long driveway and back up. “I want to try!”

With a shrug, I tap the app and hand her my phone. “Keep that with you, or it will turn off. And don’t get too far ahead—” I’m already speaking to the wind. Maddie and Mom turn left at the end of the driveway, disappearing down the road. I hope Maddie remembers where the house is. I have no way to contact her if she doesn’t, since Mom has my phone.

I stroll along the shaded path, enjoying the quiet. A few cars rumble by as I move closer to the entrance—Dad’s house is one of the farthest from the front gates. It’s also much farther from my rental than I realized, and neither Maddie nor my mother have come back to check on me. Which makes me think they’re lost.

A black Tesla drifts up beside me, silent and ominous, and the passenger window slides down. “Hi. You need a ride?” I duck my head to see inside—it’s Rob Mead.

“Thanks.” I open the door and climb in. “My mom stole my scooter.”

He blinks twice but doesn’t comment. “Where are you headed?” He taps an icon on the massive dashboard screen.