His smile lights up again when I say his name. “My pleasure.” The front door opens, and he turns to look.

That’s my cue to exit, but I hesitate for a second. Part of me wants to stay here and get to know this guy better. We barely spoke, but there’s something about him. But I promised my dad I wouldn’t draw attention to the wedding. Hanging out with the brother of a country star—one who has been “hounded” by the same paparazzo I’m trying to evade—is not a good move.

I push the side door open and slip into a dark room. This is where the groomsmen gather before the ceremony—I remember having a shot of whiskey here with Dad before wedding number three. I was only nine, and it was vile. But I sipped it for him. As a kid, I would have done anything for my father. Except maybe finish that drink. I still can’t stand the stuff.

If I recall correctly, there’s an external door. Can’t have the groom coming in the same door as the bride. I tap my phone to pull up the flashlight. There. Pushing the crash bar as quietly as I can, I shove the door ajar to peek out. The parking lot is out of sight. Behind me, the sounds of a guitar and Blake’s deep voice filter through the internal door. I feel the urge to go back into the chapel, but I squash it. A promise is a promise—even when it’s made to a man who can’t keep his own.

“I hope you appreciate this, Dad,” I mutter as I climb back into the horse field and head for his house.

Chapter Three


I stab my fork into my schnitzel and slice off a bite. Checking to make sure we can’t be overheard, I lean across our favorite table at the Lonely Goatherd Pub. “I can’t believe I met Nica Holmes.”

“Yes, Matt, we were there, remember?” Blake sips his beer, then sets it on the table, glancing at his fiancée. “I feel like I should be offended that my romantic proposal gets lower billing than meeting a celebrity.”

“You sang a pretty song and gave her a ring. Big deal. You were already engaged. We’re talking about Nica Holmes.”

“I didn’t see her.” Rachel gives me a malicious grin over her roasted chicken. “I think you hallucinated her. You’re so excited about her movie announcement, you just made her up.” She turns to Blake. “Has he told you about her movie?”

“What movie?” Blake makes his face comically blank, then rolls his eyes. “Only fifteen times.”

I wave the schnitzel-laden fork at Rachel. “I did not hallucinate. Blake saw her. He was there. Him and that photographer you made friends with.”

Rachel holds up a hand. “I am not friends with that guy. In fact, I had to change my cell phone number, remember?”

“I can’t believe you gave it to him in the first place.” Blake gives his fiancée a smirk. “After all the trouble he caused us.”

She shrugs and bumps her shoulder against Blake’s. “If it weren’t for him, we might not be together.” Rachel did an interview with the guy claiming there was nothing between her and Blake. Which prompted Blake to change that.

“I think we would have figured it out eventually.” Blake squirms a little. “I will acknowledge he played a role. However, that doesn’t give him the right to continue harassing us.”

“Which is why I changed numbers.” She picks up the chicken leg and points it at me. “I recommend you stay clear of Louis Boitano.”

“Now she listens to me,” Blake says to the table at large, but we ignore him.

“It’s not like I’ll ever see her again. Except on the screen.” I finally eat the bite on my fork. “We’re still on for movie night on Thursday, right?”

Rachel smiles. “Yeah. But no Nica Holmes movies after she dumped you like that.”

“I wish. Okay, I don’t wish she dumped me, but I wouldn’t mind getting to know her well enough to be dumped.” My face gets warm. “Whatever.”

Rachel pats my hand. “Hey, you got to meet your celebrity crush. I’m still waiting for Blake to introduce me to Chris Hemsworth.”

“I don’t know him. And I wouldn’t let you anywhere near him if I did.” He puts an arm around her shoulders.

“Don’t all you famous people know each other?” She elbows him gently.

“Yeah, we hang out in the famous people bar every weekend.”

“I wonder if that Boitano guy was right about why she’s here?” I pumped the wedding planner for information after Nica left, but the woman wouldn’t tell me a thing. Rightfully so. Famous people deserve some privacy, too. “Nica posted a video teasing a secret event. And she said something about her dad’s wedding.” I smack my free hand over my mouth. “Oops, I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone that part. You won’t spread that around, will you?”

Blake gives me a look that makes it clear he’s not interested enough to mention it, then concentrates on his schnitzel and fries. Blake usually watches his diet, but on schnitzel night, he’s all in.

“I don’t know about her dad, but I heard Nicholas Holmes was getting married out at the Ranch. Again. Wait—is Nica related to Nicholas?” Rachel wipes her hands on a napkin, her new engagement ring glinting in the overhead light. “Duh. Nica, Nicholas. Same last name. I can’t believe I didn’t realize that.”

“They’re one of Hollywood’s famous families. Like the Baldwin brothers or the Cusacks. Or the Fondas.”