“I can’t move!” Maria wails.

With a heavy sigh, Dame Edith holds up a hand and looks at Matt. “Captain, will you check on Maria, please?”

Matt hurries across the stage. The kids move out of the way as he approaches Maria, who lies halfway behind a large urn. He crouches, then turns to look back at us. “I think someone better call the EMTs. Her ankle is swelling.”

“Got it!” Another cast member darts through a side door. If you’re going to get injured, the fire hall is the place to do it. Half a minute later, a pair of buff young men wearing only shorts and athletic shoes hurry into the room carrying some medical gear. The harsh overhead lights glint on their sweaty shoulders, and a couple of women suck in air—loudly.

I smirk a little. When you’ve been in Hollywood as long as I have, you get used to seeing half-dressed men. It’s a hazard of the job. Not that I’m complaining.

I will also say these gentlemen could hold their own in my world.

As the paramedics converge on the young woman, the director tells the rest of us to take five. Stella hurries across the room to the director. “Is she gonna be okay?”

Matt leans close to me. “Stella is the understudy. She told me she didn’t expect Hannah to make it to opening night, so she’s been working hard on her lines and songs.”

“Ah, the plot thickens. You don’t think she engineered this, do you?” I ask, widening my eyes and making an exaggerated O of my mouth, so he’ll know I’m kidding.

“Trust me, Hannah is more than capable of sabotaging herself.” He launches into a story from when she was in his class five or six years ago, then breaks off, flushing. “I shouldn’t have said that. She was a student, and I have no business telling anyone about her classroom activities.”

I put a hand on his arm. “Don’t worry. I won’t say a word.” I mime locking my lips and throwing away the key.

His eyes grow warm as he focuses on my mouth. I pull my hand from his arm and turn to watch the paramedics as I chastise flirty Nica yet again.

One of the EMTs leaves and returns with a wheeled stretcher and two more young men. An almost audible sigh goes around the room—these firefighters are fully dressed. They get Hannah onto the gurney and raise it to waist height. The two guys in shorts jog back to their side of the fire hall as the uniformed men pull the stretcher across the room. The first one pauses to speak with Dame Edith, then catches up to his partner and Hannah at the door.

I half-expect Hannah to blow kisses as she sails by, but her face is gray and sweaty. The girl really injured herself. We all crowd around the door and front windows as the firefighters load her into a private van. One of the first responders returns in civilian clothes and climbs into the drivers’ seat.

“Attention, thespians!” Dame Edith claps again, and we all turn. “The EMTs think Hannah broke her ankle. Jack is taking her to the ER, since he was almost off duty. Let us return to the play. We’ll pick up where we left off, with the understudy filling in for Hannah. Stella?”

Stella darts a furtive look our direction and pulls out her phone. “I hate to do this, but I gotta go. Mick just texted—the fire department may be responding to my house next!” She shoves her phone into her pocket, grabs her jacket, and heads for the door. “Maybe Nica can fill in for me.” Before anyone can respond, she’s gone.

Matt’s eyes narrow as he stares at the door. Then he pulls out his phone. “I haven’t heard any sirens. What is she up to?” He taps a message into his screen.

Dame Edith claps again, staring at me. “Young woman, do you know the part?”

I look around the room. Surely there’s someone else here who’ll jump at the chance to play Maria. But I’m not going to second-guess the director. If she’s asking a virtual stranger for help, she must think none of the others are up to it. Or that picking one of them for a temporary fill-in will cause turmoil in the cast.

“I’ve never done this show, but I’ve seen it several times. I can certainly read the part for tonight. Is there a copy of the script I can borrow?”

Several hands hold out battered paperbacks, so I take the closest one with a nod of thanks.

Dame Edith moves me into position and gives me a quick rundown on the blocking. She probably selected me in hopes my professional background means I can take direction easily. I listen carefully and check the script with a nod. “Ready.”

We run through the scene one time, then move on to the next one. Each time Maria appears on stage, Dame Edith rattles off the blocking, and I try to follow through. The other cast members help me hit my marks. I read the lines as if I’m in front of the camera, putting emotion into my part.

When we get to the scene where Maria and the captain sing An Ordinary Couple, Matt blows me away. His voice is lighter than his famous brother’s but it’s perfect for this part. He gazes into my eyes as we sing, and my heart surges into my throat, making it tight. I fumble the ending, my heart racing as he leans in for the kiss. He stops before our lips meet, his breath warm against my mouth. I swallow hard, my gaze locked on his.

The rehearsal pianist plays the ending of the song, and the other actors applaud. Sucking in a breath, I look away, my face hot.

This was not a good idea.

Chapter 16


Back at my house, I flip on the hot water pot, pretending everything is normal. Playing the captain to Nica’s Maria was completely different from working with Hannah. My heart is still beating way above my normal resting rate. “Do you want a cup of tea? I need to unwind before I go to bed. Rehearsal always gets me spun up.” Tonight more than usual.

Nica looks through the box of tea bags I offer and pulls out a peppermint. I hand her a mug, and we wait by the counter for the water to boil.