She reaches around to rub her own shoulder. “Had some tests to finish grading.”

“You gave a test?” We cross the empty commons, passing under the Fighting Edelweiss as we leave the building. “A week before finals?”

“I gave the final in my calculus class last week, since most of those kids graduated on Friday. I put off grading the juniors’ tests until today, but I wanted to get them done so I have a clean slate for my other finals.”

We stroll across the parking lot and down the street. In the good weather, we walk to work. Well, I drive from the guitar shop but park at home before I come over for classes. Early June weather is perfect for walking, before it gets too hot. We cross the highway and pass Walther’s Clocks before turning toward the Stadtplatz.

Our neighborhood is a few blocks south. A chipmunk races across the road, stopping when it sees a car, then takes the riskiest possible route. The car brakes to avoid it, then moves on. The usual four-o’clock wind whooshes through the tops of the pine trees, and a dove coos from under a bush. Alf, the calico cat, crouches behind a rock, watching the bird. He doesn’t spare us a glance as we pass. Heat radiates from the blacktop as we cross the street.

We pause in front of my house. Rachel gives me a long stare, then hits my shoulder. “Come on over if you want. I’ll even help you find a new movie girlfriend.”

I snort a laugh. “Thanks, but I’ve sworn off rom-coms for a while.” I wave as she crosses the thin strip of grass that separates our driveways, then I unlock my front door.

The rich scent of chocolate chip cookies hits me as I open the door. I haven’t baked any since Eva went back to school, but she knows I keep some dough in the freezer. “Eva! Why are you home early?” I round the corner into the kitchen and stop cold.

Nica pulls a cookie sheet from the oven. “Surprise!” Her bright smile falters after a moment. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d mind. I saw the cookie dough at Helmut’s and thought it would be a nice way to thank you.”

I realize I’m staring. “Hi. No, it’s fine. It’s great. I’m just surprised to see you here. I thought you were going to stay at the Ranch.”

She bites her lip, then picks up the spatula to move the cookies to the rack. “Yeah, no. I sat in front of Dad’s house all day, and he never came out. Then I knocked on the door, and Justin told me Dad didn’t want to see me. Ever.” She sucks in some air. “But I’m not going to let Justin tell me what to do. And since you said I was always welcome…” She gives me a hopeful smile.

I drop my backpack on the chair by the desk. “Yes, of course. Stay as long as you like. But don’t you have to work?”

“That’s the beauty of my job. We do weeks and weeks straight through, then we can take some time off. Well, between appearances here and there, and awards shows, and all that PR stuff. I was thinking I’d do some of that here. Maybe bring some tourists to the town, too? I talked to my agent and my PR company this afternoon. Don’t worry—Sylvia is getting me a place to stay, so I won’t be in your hair. But I can’t get in until tomorrow. So I thought I’d stop by here before finding a hotel for the night.” She stops, sucking in a breath after that long, excited speech.

“You don’t need a hotel. The room is yours.”

Her brilliant smile makes my insides turn to goo.

I am definitely in trouble, but I don’t care.

Chapter 15


After dinner—fantastic chicken alfredo as promised—Matt grabs his keys. “I have to go to practice. You can stay here—make yourself at home.”

“Practice for what? Basketball? Church choir? Your grunge rock band?” I bat my eyelashes. “Hot rockers? Yes, please.” I snap my mouth shut. I keep telling myself Matt is off limits. That I’m not here for romance, and he’s too vulnerable. And then I get all flirty. I can’t seem to control myself around him. Which is one of the reasons I planned to stay at the Ranch. And yet, here I am. I give myself a mental talking-to.

“The musical. We do The Sound of Music every summer, and someone has a starring role this year.” He gestures to himself with a little flourish.

“The same show every year? Doesn’t that get a bit old?”

“We’re known for it. There are tourists who return summer after summer. The director changes it up a bit.” He chuckles. “The sci-fi version was not very popular.”

“Sound of Music in space? Is there a video? I am so here for that!”

He laughs again. “No. There is no evidence of that show. The mob nearly burned down the town.” I can’t tell if he’s kidding.

“I love it! Can I go with you?” The words are out of my mouth before I can censor them. Apparently, flirty me is ignoring reasonable me.

His brows go up. “Sure. You’re not trying to lay low?”

I shake my head. “No, I told you, I’m going to do some PR. That means getting stuff on social media to generate interest. I have another movie coming out in August, so we’re in the spin-up for that.”

He heads for the front door, then grabs his puffy coat from the hook and hands it to me. “It gets cold at night. You might need this. What movie? Not the one you just finished filming?”

“No.” I wait on the step as he locks up. “The trailer for that one will come out in a month or two, but the movie won’t be in theaters until next year. These big screen films have a much longer lead time. The August one is another Romance Channel piece. My bread and butter.”