“I thought nothing surprised you anymore.” Gloria grins at her son as Matt pulls the front door open.

“I stand corrected.”

We laugh as we head for Matt’s green Subaru. Gloria and Rob stand in the doorway, waving. Matt opens the passenger door for me and helps me into the car, as if it were a royal carriage. As we rumble up the driveway, the lights on the house change colors in a quick rainbow.

Matt looks in his rearview mirror. “That’s new.”

I start giggling again. “Do you think Rob knew about the lights? She is a hoot.” I type her number into my phone and save it, then tuck the card into my tiny purse.

“Gloria definitely marches to her own drummer. Everyone loves her, and with good reason. She’s the most generous person I’ve ever met. She donated a classic car to our auction last fall. We raised ninety K on that car alone. Enough to fund all our arts classes for—well, practically forever.”

“What’s Rob do?”

“He’s CEO of a tech company. Some kind of computer app. His office is in Portland, but he’s been spending a lot of time in Rotheberg lately. Gloria broke her leg last fall, so he started coming to help out, and I think he’s worried about her being lonely. And his brother is opening a new bakery in town. He might be involved with that, too.”

We drive through the pines, the almost full moon casting bright slashes of light across the dark road. We pass the horse pasture and wind around the golf course. “My dad’s place is near where we met this afternoon.”

“I know.” His voice sounds guilty.

“Did you spy on me?” I ask lightly.

He brakes at a stop sign and turns to look at me. “I might have had some intel.”

“I should have known your appearance wasn’t random. How’d you find me?”

He shrugs. “A friend was involved in the original real estate deal, believe it or not.”

“For my dad’s place? That was over thirty years ago.”

“Don’t you mean twenty-eight?” Laughter underpins the words.

I chuckle. “Dad bought it before I was born, so thirty-plus is accurate. I’m amazed anyone remembers that.”

“I think your dad was even more famous back then. He still makes quite an impression.” He turns up the driveway.

My dad’s house is bigger than Gloria’s but not as pretty. It’s a massive, modern slab that would look more appropriate on a cliff overlooking a California coast than in the pine forest of central Oregon. He built the monstrosity before Copper Butte Ranch instituted their building requirements. In fact, according to my mother, this house is the reason the Ranch added appearance restrictions to the homeowner’s regulations.

Brilliant lights shine on the flat white walls and reflective glass. Three wide garage doors break up the lower level, and a narrow deck wraps around the upper. A large swimming pool and deck stand to one side, and wide stone steps lead up to the front door.

“This is… unusual.” Matt stops the car on the broad, featureless front drive and stares at the blocky thing.

“I loved coming here as a kid. The place is huge and great fun for playing hide and seek. If you can find someone to play with.” I hear the hint of a whine in my voice and swallow it, forcing a cheerful tone. “The garages and storage are downstairs, and the living areas are all on the upper floor. It goes on and on with lots of steps up and down. Nine bedrooms, ten bathrooms, film screening room, gym, sound booth—you know my dad does a lot of voice-over work these days.”

“Hm.” He sounds distracted as he looks at me, his eyes roving over my face.

I know what’s coming—he’s going to want to stay in touch. I like Matt, but I’ve got a life in Tinseltown. Filming on my first feature film starts next month. I need to have zero distractions. When he reaches for his door handle, I touch his arm. “I’ve had a really good time tonight. Much better than I expected, to be honest.” That is one hundred percent true. “Thank you for spending time with me. And for introducing me to your friends. Rob and Gloria are awesome.”

“Tonight was amazing.” His blue eyes burn into mine. “I know I’m supposed to play it cool and be all detached, but I like you. So much. And I have for a long time. Spending an evening with you has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And I know you have to go back to California and that I’m just an ordinary guy, not one of your amazing Hollywood friends, but I feel like we kind of clicked. You know?”

I look away. I felt it too, but I can’t admit that. I’m not the girl he thinks I am. He’s in love with the characters I play on the Romance Channel, not the real Nica Holmes, who is a disaster. I’m not the sweet little girl next door—I’m a mess of insecurities wrapped in an attractive package. I’m like one of those mass-produced cupcakes. They look so delicious, but when you get one, it’s just meh.

I’d rather have Matt remember me as a single magical date. I put a finger on his lips in a gesture I’ve used a thousand times on film. “I had a wonderful time. Let’s not let reality spoil the moment.”

He pulls back a little. “I had fun too. Maybe we can get together next time you’re in town.”

I lean over to find my purse which slipped off my lap earlier. “I don’t come up here very often. In fact, this was my first visit since my teen years.” I find the sparkly little bag and check for my phone, then reach for the door handle. “But sure, next time I’m up here, I’ll look you up.”

“You have my number.” He reaches over to take my hand, holding it gently in his rough grip. His eyes lock onto mine again. “Call me. Any time.”