“I’m forty-five.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re twenty-eight. Seventeen years is a significant difference.”

“You know my age?” I shouldn’t be surprised—he’s made it very clear he’s a fan. And I’m actually thirty. But that’s a closely guarded secret. Don’t judge me—Hollywood is all about youth, especially for women.

His face goes a little pink. “I might have done some research.”

Instead of feeling violated, I’m flattered that he bothered. Funny how the difference between adoration and stalking is defined by how much I like the guy doing it. I push away the warm flutters in my stomach and try to focus on the subject at hand. “I like you. You’re smart and funny. And you probably look really good in a tuxedo. If I have to attend my dad’s wedding, I’d prefer to have someone to share the misery with.”

He chuckles. “Sounds like a good time. How did you know I have a tuxedo?”

“You do? I was going to send you to that rental place in Bend.”

He smirks. “My brother has taken me to a few awards shows. I decided it was a solid long-term strategy to have my own tux. Those rentals never fit right. And I don’t want to wear a suit after a seventeen-year-old wears it to prom.”

“Fair enough.” My phone vibrates again. “I gotta go. I’ll meet you here at six thirty?”

“I’ll be here. Tux on.”

I give him a brilliant smile. “Fabulous.”

Chapter Seven


Belting out one of my brother’s latest hits, I pull the car out of my garage. I glance at the tuxedo jacket swinging on a hanger behind the passenger seat. The thing cost a fortune, but Nica’s right—I look pretty good in it. At least, pretty good for a middle-aged luthier. I may not have the shoulders and pecs my brother works so hard to maintain, but I’ve stayed in shape.

I’ll probably look ridiculous next to the A-listers who will be attending this thing. Slick, polished men. But Nica asked me, not one of them. My huge smile reflected in the rearview mirror, I pull onto the highway headed for the Ranch.

When I reach the Ranch, I turn down the Meads’ driveway but park in front this time instead of by the garage. Still humming, I stride across the walk and ring the doorbell. A deep tolling rolls through the house, like the doorbell from the Munsters.

I’ve just pressed the button a second time—really, who could resist?—when Rob opens the door, shaking his head. “Can you believe she picked that? A hundred different ringtones, and she wants that one.”

“Seems completely in character to me.” I walk past him and into the round foyer. “She said she’d help me with my tie.”

“You need my mom to tie your tie?” Rob gestures toward the arched doorway leading into the massive living room.

“Judy always—”

He cuts me off. “Yeah, sorry. Never mind. Mom! Matt’s here.”

Gloria hurries across the large room. Their house is huge, with double height ceilings, tall windows looking across the golf course, and wide, polished wood floors. The walls hold artwork, some of it expensive, some of it framed pieces Dylan and Rob did in elementary school. Neither of the boys were particularly artistic, so the juxtaposition is kind of amusing.

“Don’t you look nice!” Gloria takes my hand and pulls me toward a chair. “Sit, so I don’t have to climb on a step stool.” She pushes me down, then pulls the ends of the tie even and loops one over the other. “There’s a black-tie event at the Ranch tonight?”

I try to hide my smile, but it won’t stay off my face. “I’ve been invited to a private event.”

She gives me a speculative look. “A private event at the wedding chapel, perhaps? With a reception to follow at the hotel ballroom?”

I blink. I should have known Gloria would be in the loop. “How’d you know?”

“I know everyone at the Ranch, sweetie. It would be more surprising if I didn’t know. Besides, I was invited, too.” She waves a hand at her dress. She’s wearing a red gown with a full skirt that shimmers in the lamplight. “Did you think I put this on to do the dishes?”

I glance at Rob. He’s also wearing tuxedo pants and a white shirt. I guess I was so wrapped up in my own little fantasy I didn’t notice. I turn back to Gloria as she puts a finishing tug on my tie. “You look fabulous.”

She smiles and pats my cheek. “You’re not so bad yourself. Do you want to ride with us? Or would you rather have your own vehicle handy? In case you need to help a certain someone make a quick escape?” Her eyes narrow. “You aren’t driving your dirty old Subaru, are you? Or your motorcycle?”

“I washed the Subaru!” I stand and adjust my cuffs. “And cleaned the inside. Not that it will matter. I’m sure Nica will want to stay for the whole event.” After what she said about her dad and his new wife, I’m not at all sure of that. My face gets hot. Was I supposed to keep my date a secret?

“No, you need to drive something nicer if you want to impress a girl like Nica Holmes. And if you think she’s going to want to stay for the whole event, you don’t understand women very well.” She turns to her son. “Grab the keys to the SUV, Rob. Matt can drive it, and we’ll ride in your car. I almost wish I still had the El Dorado—now that’s a date car!”