I wriggle my ass, and my clit happens to grind on Marcus as I do so. Suddenly, I’m particularly breathless, and my nipples are rising. “Tease.”
“We have a week to explore you, Miss Phoebe.” Marcus pulls me even closer to him. “Prepare to be our pretty fucktoy.” Then he takes that collar from his pocket, stands me back fromhim, and buckles it on. “You are beautiful and ours, and I…well.” Why are his eyes shining? Is Marcus crying? That makes me want to cry. Then he kisses me on the mouth.
“She is.” Razor is playing his fingers along my neck, quiet, slow. “You are beautiful and ours, and also everything that Marcus is saying, feeling, I am too. I’ve honestly never felt this attached to two people before, even if one of them is a bit loud, a bit of a wanker, at times.”
“That had better not be me,” I say, deflecting this off of Marcus and softly kissing him again. He’s not a man who often wears his softer emotions where you can see them.
When the kiss ends, he tsks at me, cups my face and thumbs beneath my eyes. “She’s asking to be put in her place.”
“Aye. Which is between us, being toyed with until she comes and screams.”
“And there, you’ve made Razor go Scottish, or pirate? That alone is so naughty that your ass will have to be made very red.”
I eyeroll, but inside I’m grinning. “Only one side of it.” I have a suspicion they are going to wear me out, and I do not mind this at all.
We are barely getting started on the meal we’ve chosen to eat in the room when my phone chimes. I glance at the screen, preparing to toss it onto the couch when I realize it is from Mother.
“Are we reading texts, now?” Razor asks, scowling in that sexy way he has.
“It’s from Emma. I shouldn’t but?—”
“Read it.” Marcus dishes out the cuttlefish bolognese onto three gold-edged plates. He sucks some off his thumb. “Mmm. Take too long and all this will be gone.” The table is laden with five different steaming meals.
“Okay.” I scan it then look up. “She’s asking me,again, if I’d consider getting on board with this investigation unit. It’s to…” I read it verbatim, “Be a watchdog and track down bad actors.” I’m both flattered and horrified that she thinks I’m worthy.
“Dear Phoebe, I was surprised yet also pleased at your actions on the island. I had hoped it would provide the motivation for you to do something with your life, for once.
“That is how she starts it.Ugh.Let’s eat.”
Typical of her to think pushing me into what was essentially a pit of homicidal snakes might provide me with a life goal. It is true that I still cannot shed my disgust and grief at what happened there. More than one woman died. Milli was not the only victim. I cannot help but wonder about the others and how they died, and how their families must be feeling, not knowing?—
“Enough?” Marcus nudges me.
For a second, I stare at the pile of noodles and duck. “Oh, yes. That’s lovely. It smells delicious.”
Two more days remain of our week of rest at Rapscallions. We’ve fed the horses, had mad kinky sex, eaten some of the best food ever, gone for walks through the forest, and we’ve decided to return and see more of Australia, sometime soon. It has to tee up with Razor’s company work and with Marcus’, though his father can run his antiques shop, and several million pounds extra have been deposited in his bank account, courtesy of the fraternity. If not for the wear and tear on our psyches, the island affair would have been…nice? I cannot think of a particularly accurate adjective to describe making a profit from that slaughterous mayhem.
Tonight, we are making use of the indoor-outdoor spa. Sliding back the glass doors on two sides makes it outdoors, but we’ve kept them closed and also drawn the shutters across. Luckily, we chose that. I imagine what they’re doing to me might shock some guests.
Not that we ever see many other people. These little guest houses are perfectly situated for privacy.
The jets of heated water stir weak bubbles before me but not enough to conceal everything. I’m nude and sitting on Marcus while the two of them play a game called, clamp whatever bits of me they feel like playing with. It is enervating. It’s also strangely relaxing when they do it over and over and don’t bother to try to arouse me, much. Even so, the painful throb from the clamps currently crushing my areolas, just below my nipples, brought me fully into the moment, though I was also reading a book.
I put it aside. Not only am I surely going to drop it, but it is becoming difficult to read any words at all on the water-spotted pages. My ass muscles squeeze in on Marcus’ cock. I’m seated fully on him and amalmostused to accommodating it. Desire swirls, lazily reminding me of him whenever we shift.
“Duneis supposed to demand the reader’s concentration, boys,” I admonish them, as Razor swims in and lifts one breast from the water so he can lick my nipple with his tongue tip.
I’m spellbound. The touch of his tongue trickles excitement, down, down, to between my legs. The artistry of his tattoos also fascinates me, and I follow the lines of the blue dragon that curls over his chest before it submerges and blurs underwater.
But none of us is in any hurry. And, after all, I alreadyhave that cock in my ass. His hands are on my hips and his thrusts are measured and small, maybe once every thirty seconds. Out of curiosity, I think I should’ve brought in a timer. I’ve had enough orgasms this week to keep me merrily masturbating to the memories for years, centuries…if I needed to do that.
Razor transfers his attention to my other nipple while, beneath the water, he meanders a finger from my navel to my clit.
“Hey, hey. None of that. We vowed tonotcome for half an hour. Remember?”
“I do.” He ceases licking but his thumb is making moves below. My attention wanders and my lips part as he presses there and circles, achingly slow. “Though I also recall there is no really good reason to not make you come. I get to add another spanking to the big list for London, is all, if you do. Plus you don’t giveusorders, Miss Phoebes.” He edges his teeth around my nipple and squeezes, adding to the sensations summoned by the clamp.