“What was its name?”
I smiled, just a little. “Neville.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
A soft laugh escaped my mouth, and I finally felt clear-headed enough to face him. “It was. He looked like a very distinguished gentleman.”
Slowly, I walked over toward the cat and perched on the edge of the couch, watching him while he slept.
As I did that, Cameron watched me.
I was used to men doing that. They’d done it my whole life.
Sometimes they watched out of curiosity because of my family.
Sometimes they watched with thinly veiled desire.
Sometimes it was heavy with judgment, or derision, times when my sex and my background made me something to despise.
The way he watched me was different, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to dive too deeply into why.
Wasn’t ready to, at least.
Cameron’s phone rang, and he tugged it up to his ear. “Hey, Mom.” His eyes cut over to mine as he listened, and his mouth curled into a smile. “I will. Okay, see you later.” He paused. “Love you too.”
My eyes pinched shut, and I had to look away.
“My mom wanted me to invite you over for dinner,” he said. “If you’re interested.”
Of course she did.
I felt a little too raw to sit at a table with this lovely, kind family and pretend I had any business being there.
I swallowed. “I have some work I planned to do tonight,” I said breezily. “But thank her for me.”
He was quiet for a moment. “Okay. I’ll, uh, go get this litter box set up for you. He may take some time to figure out what it’s for, but I’ll let you know when the vet can get out here, and she can give you some tips.”
I nodded, keeping my eyes trained on the black-and-white fluffball in question.
It only took a couple of minutes for Cameron to get the box set up, and I stood when he entered the room again. His eyes lingered on my face, but I felt steady again, in control after a momentary lapse.
I kept my expression even. “Thank you for setting that up. I still don’t know what the hell I’m doing, but how hard can it be, right?”
“Oh, don’t say that out loud,” Cameron said with a wry grin. “He’ll do his damnedest to prove you wrong. Cats have a way of doing that.”
I smiled.
“Do you need anything else while I’m here?”
I shook my head. “Greer is bringing my car back later.”
“Ahh. Didn’t think about that,” he admitted.
“I’m not going anywhere, so it’s fine.” I glanced around the small house. “It’s a lot easier to seclude myself here than the hotel.”
Cameron’s head pulled back, his eyes sharpening on my face.
“Why do you need to do that?” he asked. “I can think of a healthy list of people who’d like to spend time with you.”