Page 108 of Head Over Heels

Wade made a coughing sort of laugh sound.

“You guys wrapping up in there today?” I asked my brother.

He nodded. “Painters dropped off the sprayed doors. We’ve got about half of them installed. Drawers are in.”

I set my hands on my hips and looked at the space. “It’s big,” I said. “Looks better with the painted cabinets.”

Greer and Ivy picked a slightly deeper color than what was on the trim.

Ian blew out a slow breath. “Still think it needs an island in here. Or a big round table.” His eyes narrowed like they always did when he was envisioning something particular. “With a turned pedestal base.”

I grunted.

He studied my face for a second. “You’re not usually the one in a pissy mood.”

“I know, that’s your job.”

Ian rolled his eyes as Wade chuckled under his breath.

He leaned his shoulder up against the wall and studied me carefully. “I’d say you need to get laid, but…” He let his voice trail off meaningfully. “Somehow I don’t think that’s your problem.”

All the work in the room seemed to stop at the same time, and I levelled Ian with a not-very-amused look. The guys looked at me from the corner of their eyes. Everyone in there knew I didn’t sleep around and usually had a bit more female attention than I wanted in town.

They were never worth the complication, though.

Ivy, however, was the most complicated of all, and I’d wrap my life in knots with a smile on my face if she told me she wanted more.

“Tell you what,” Ian continued, “why don’t we go out for drinks tonight?”

My eyebrows rose slowly. “Just you and me.”

“Didn’t you think Jax was coming back into town today?”

I glanced at my phone again, checking the text I’d had from him earlier in the day.

Jax: I’m alive. Calm the fuck down.

Jax: Let me know when you want to grab a drink.

I nodded. “Yeah, looks like it.”

“Tell him to bring his grumpy ass too. I haven’t seen him in years. We can talk about your lady woes.” Then he walked past me and slapped my back hard. “It’s about time this happened to you. You’ve always had it a bit too easy, if you asked me.”

Then he walked away.

Whistling. Like an asshole.

“I don’t have lady woes,” I yelled.

Everyone was staring now.

I swore under my breath. Wade could hardly stifle his spreading grin.

I eyed the foreman. “What are you laughing at? If he’s making me go out for drinks, then you’re coming too.”

Wade snorted. “Can’t.”

“Why not?” I asked.