Page 4 of Viper

She handed me a photograph, her apprehension evident. “Here’s his picture. As you can see, he takes a picture of me while watching me. Look, we’re both in the photo. He’s been following me for three years. This is the only place where he hasn’t found me. What do you think?”

“You don’t know this guy? Perhaps he went to school with you and developed an unhealthy obsession. When did you graduate?”

I couldn’t help but smile at her exasperated reaction. She rolled her eyes, and I held back my smile. “What does that have to do with anything? It's not about when I graduated; it's about this crazy man who's after me.”

“Yeah, but I think you’re too young to be out here alone.”

She turned to me, giving me a look as if I were the one being irrational. “Are you kidding? I'm twenty-six. I've been taking care of myself since I was sixteen. Why would he be fixated on me? I don't even know him. We didn't go to school together.”

“You’re coming with me to my family’s place until we catch this guy. You can go with me to the peak, and we’ll also bring Carly along. She can’t be alone if this guy is lurking around.”

“Is she the one with the blonde hair?”

“Yeah, her husband died a couple of years ago.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I’m fine staying here on my own. I’ve been practicing self-defense.”

I shook my head, my concern growing. “Why are you shaking your head at me?” she asked, frowning.

“Nope, you’re not skilled enough to protect yourself.”

“I’m improving.”

“You can stay with us until we find this guy.”

“I don’t even know you.”

“You can trust me, and my family lives there as well. If this man catches you alone up here, you won’t stand a chance.”

“I’m not leaving my home. I told you why I’m hiding; the town was getting nosy. I’m staying right here.”

“I’ll see you later,” I said, leaving without promising to return. She’d find out if I came back when she sees me. First, I need to do some investigating.



I couldn’t help but notice the man I’d just met was perhaps the most handsome man I'd ever seen; at least, that’s what I thought. However, there was something a bit off about him. He might have a screw or two loose. Still, I felt I could trust him, and his dreamy eyes didn’t hurt either. Wow, he was large; I felt safe standing next to him. It’s been ages since I’ve felt safe. I just knew he would not let anyone hurt me. I felt like he was standing guard over me and wouldn’t let anyone get to me.

But then again, my rational side reminded me that I was perfectly capable of caring for myself. I had never been one to rely on others, and I had even gone so far as to buy a gun for added security.

I decided tonight I would shut the new shutters I had recently installed on my cabin. It seemed a daunting task at first, but when you have a job to do, you just roll up your sleeves and get it done. I wanted to ensure no one could enter if they showed up uninvited. Afterward, I prepared myself a quick dinner. Cooking had always been a passion of mine, and I had even earned a scholarship to a culinary school back in Louisiana after high school.

I had worked at five different restaurants, mainly due to the persistent presence of a certain lunatic who always seemed to track me down. Who is this guy anyway? Damn, I was sweating; the cabin began to feel stifling with the shutters closed, so I promptly swung them open again. As soon as I stepped outside, I heard a woman sobbing. At first, I couldn’t see anything, but then I spotted the blonde woman I now knew was Carly.

“Are you alright?” I asked as I approached Carly, sitting on the ground. I sat down next to her.

“I was afraid to go on the property in case I stepped on a booby trap,” Carly replied.

“Don’t worry, those traps are just a bluff,” I reassured her. “I just said I had them traps to keep that crazy man away from me.”

“What crazy man?” Carly inquired.

“The one who seems to stalk me wherever I go,” I explained. “I don’t know who he is, but he must be crazy, right? Are you Carly?”

“Yes, what’s your name?” Carly asked.

“I’m Bailey Peterson.”