Sam wasn’t sure why the guy was on a date with Lia, but he was pissed off for a different reason now. He didn’t know what Kendrick’s deal was, maybe he was into guys and girls, whatever. But this asshole was blatantly checking Mason and Sam out, which was more than a little disrespectful to Lia. Not cool. She should be the man’s sole focus this evening.

Sam wasn’t going to allow this dick to play fast and loose with Lia’s feelings. Not on my fucking watch! he told himself. Sam knew it wasn’t his place to be watching over Lia. She wouldn’t want or appreciate it. Especially since his motives weren’t at all altruistic.

But that was why Sam had invited them to join the group, and Lia could stare daggers at him all night if she wanted to, but at least she wasn’t going to develop feelings for a guy who didn’t look set to return them. He tried to ignore the hypocrisy in the sentiment—the longer he and Lia had kept flinging, the more likely she was to develop feelings for Sam. No matter her protestations to the contrary. So maybe there was more than one prick sitting at the table tonight. Sam was honest enough to acknowledge that and selfish enough to dismiss the feelings of guilt that accompanied that self-awareness.

Daisy and Mason looked a bit awkward at the sudden inclusion of a clearly reluctant Lia and her date to their table. Mason was giving him curious sidelong looks, but Sam avoided his friend’s eyes.

“So Michael,” he began amiably. “What do you do?”

“I’m a senior accountant at Rutger, Powell & Lee.”

“Is that a local firm?” he asked, and Michael nodded, his eyes on Sam.

“It is. You have an accent. English?”

“Yes. How did you meet Lia?”

“Through my grandmother. You look familiar. You’re that guy, aren’t you? The one who saved Laura Prentiss. You’re a bodyguard.”

“Close protection officer,” Sam corrected. “And yes, I’m that guy. Is your grandmother Mrs. Kendrick at the old-age home?”

“Retirement home,” Lia corrected, her voice short, and he smiled at her.

“Sorry, the retirement home. She dances a mean waltz.”

“You know her?” the guy asked, his eyes widening in shock.

“Yes, I see her twice a week at the dance recitals.” He watched Kendrick process the words and then immediately retreat. No more borderline flirtatious looks and interested questions. Granny Kendrick probably didn’t know that Michael liked men. Sad that the guy hid his true self from his family.

Kendrick finally seemed to remember his date and started asking Lia all the usual questions. He was polite but distant and his eyes kept roaming around the room and lingering on a few of the other men in the restaurant. Lia smiled, her expression artificially bright, as she put on a first-date show for the guy. Not seeming to notice that the guy, while friendly and polite, seemed not even the slightest bit interested in her. But Sam could tell she was nervous and that his presence made her uncomfortable and abruptly felt like a shit for putting her in that position.

He should have backed off, let them have their dinner, and had a private conversation with her about Kendrick later. As a friend.

Mason and Daisy were making small talk with Lia and Kendrick while Sam, a headache developing, sat silently and observed.

Lia didn’t know how, but somehow the awkward evening managed to pass pleasantly enough. Something in Brand had changed during his intense exchange with Michael, because he had been quiet for most of the evening after that, only answering questions when he was addressed directly. He kept rubbing his forehead and his eyes were narrowed against the light, and she wondered if he were in pain. She verged on asking him more than once but always thought the better of it and continued to keep her focus on her date.

Michael was nice. She had found his exchange with Brand a bit odd and had felt completely excluded from their conversation, but she soon became the man’s main focus.

She liked him, but she wasn’t attracted to him. And truthfully, he didn’t seem all that interested in her. He spent a lot of time talking to Mason, who looked uncomfortable but kept the conversation pleasant. Oh well, at least Michael wasn’t boring like Gregory.

Lia and Michael were stiltedly discussing their mutual interest in ikebana when Daisy loudly proclaimed that she was going to the ladies’ room and then gave Lia a pointed look.

“Uh. Me too?” Daisy nodded and Lia placed her napkin on the table before excusing herself. She followed Daisy into the unisex restroom and watched as her sister checked all the stalls before turning to glare at her.

“What’s up, Daisy?”

“Seriously, Lia? Seriously? ”

“I don’t understand.”

“Look, Mikey’s a nice guy, I’ve always liked him, but even back in school he never seemed all that into girls. I always thought he was just shy. But he’s cute, there were opportunities but he never seemed to take them. And tonight, I finally understand why. He’s spent more time chatting with Mason and full-on flirting with Sam, than he has with you.”