Geneva scrunched her brow in confusion. “A green Camry?”


Geneva’s lips parted and her shocked expression made my blood run cold. “I know someone who drives a green Camry.”

Chapter 23 - Caleb

“Who?” I asked as I peered at her from the passenger side.

Geneva cautiously glanced down the street and then back to me. “My friend Tamara drives a green Camry.”

“Tamara?” I exchanged a look with Worth. I remembered meeting her at both the beach and the night club in Miami.

Worth gave me a doubtful frown. “That could just be a coincidence.”

“Did you happen to notice who was driving the car?” Geneva asked.

Worth pondered. “It was difficult to see that in the dark, but I think the silhouette was definitely a female.” He glanced at me for confirmation but I shrugged.

“I didn’t get a close enough look to say one way or another. I’m sorry.”

“Hmm…” Geneva trailed off as if she was confused and uncertain about what to say.

“Are you okay?” I asked after a few seconds.

Geneva tucked a few strands of her platinum blonde hair behind her ear. “Yeah. I think so. I mean…yeah. If it’s true, it’s just a shock.”

“Do you want us to look into it?” I asked gently, though inside I knew I probably would no matter what.

“No.” Geneva shook her head vigorously. “I mean, it’s probably just a coincidence like Worth said.”

“Are you sure?” I pressed her because she seemed rattled.

Geneva hesitated. “I think I might call into work today.” She rubbed her temples. “My stomach is kind of queasy.”

“But you’re rubbing your head,” I pointed out.

Geneva looked confused again. Clearly, something wasn’t sitting well with her. “Right.”

I looked at Worth. “I’m working the graveyard tomorrow so I have some extra time today. I can stay with her if you want in the meantime.”

Worth nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Geneva looked embarrassed. “You really don’t mind?”

I hopped out of the car and walked around to the other side where I hugged her. Her curves melded into my body and her feminine warmth made me instantly hard.

“I don’t mind at all.” I caught a whiff of the fragrant shampoo she used. Delicious.

“Thank you.” Not my imagination—she relaxed in my arms and aimed a heartfelt smile at me. “I really appreciate it.”

“I have to head off to work,” Worth said to Geneva regretfully, then looked at me. “Will you let me know if anything happens?”

I nodded. “Will do. See you later, buddy.”

Worth drove off and I escorted Geneva back into her apartment. Once she was inside, she ran a hand through her hair, gently fluttering her eyes closed. I absorbed her remarkable features. She was an incredible person and I hated to see her in such a disturbed state.

“It’s okay,” I whispered softly.