“I have to warn you,” I whispered in her ear as soon as we found an empty spot. “I’m not much of a dancer.”

Geneva’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Then why did you ask me to dance?”

I wanted to tell her it was because I found her stunning, and I wanted to feel her skin pressed up against me. The heat was electrifying between us.

“To be honest, I have no idea.” The response sprang from inside of my somewhere, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. I laughed as I continued to stare into her blue, blue eyes.

“There’s nothing to it really,” she said with a seductive bat of her eyelashes as she began moving her hips, grinding against my groin.

She was already making me hard. I swallowed hard and nodded, feeling intense heat flush my cheeks. A prickly feeling began between my legs, continuing to pulse harder and faster.

“So, I just follow your moves then?” I asked in a hoarse voice.

“Yes,” she breathed, snaking her arms around my waist. “Just relax and don’t tense up. Move your body to the rhythm of the beat.”

“Sorry,” I chuckled. “I’m better in the air than on the land.”

Geneva exhaled a soft sigh that made melted me. “Does that mean you’re good with a stick?”

I laughed. “I should be asking you the same thing.”

Geneva’s lips turned up, but didn’t answer. She just continued to grind her hips against my own. My manhood was now throbbing in my pants. The world was closing in on me. We were swallowed up in a sea of strobe lights and swarming people. Before long, my blinders kicked in. I loosened up, just like she instructed. There was no one else in the world but the two of us.

“See,” Geneva grinned. “You’re getting it now.”

My heart was pumping, and tiny beads of perspiration began to glisten on the surface of my skin. I considered myself to be somewhat athletic. I couldn’t run ten miles flat out, but I could jog a couple at a time, and I usually did every other day back in Tampa. I didn’t know why I was so out of breath, but my stamina must have been crippled by Geneva standing so close to me.

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” I teased.

“No, really. You need to give yourself more credit.”

Her features were so pure, personality open. Despite her sensual dancing, I somehow got the feeling she wouldn’t be a one-night-stand kind of girl.

“Thanks for the compliment.” I chuckled, hands gripping her waist to pull her even closer. “I’m just taking your lead.”

“You’re doing a fantastic job.” Her voice was smooth and delicious, like caramel melting on my tongue. “I can tell you’re good with moving your hips.”

There she went again with more sexual innuendo to make my dick throb. Her energy was captivating, raw and infectious.

Her hair smelled like coconut. I resisted the temptation to run my hands through the silky blonde strands. I didn’t want to scare her off. We weren’t there yet. We were just enjoying each other’s company on the dance floor. I needed to tread the waters carefully, so I wouldn’t come off as too aggressive.

I glanced over at Worth and Caleb who were standing on the edge of the dance floor. Their eyes flashed with envy.

“It looks like we have a little audience.” I jerked my chin in their direction.

Geneva laughed softly. “Should we invite them over?”

I glanced over at my friends again. I had shared women with Caleb and Worth before. Drunken one-night stands, really. Or overseas flings. It wasn’t an uncommon activity for us, but something was different about Geneva. “Maybe.”

Was she the type to date more than one guy at once? My heart flipped at the possibility. Judging by Worth and Caleb’s expressions, they weren’t going to just roll over and let me have this one all to myself. They were going to fight for Geneva, too, but why should it have to be that way if she was willing to give us all a try? The possibilities could be endless.

I wasn’t the type of guy to put boundaries on myself. The sky was the limit. That was one of the most amazing perks of being a pilot. I got to see the world from a different perspective. Up in the air, the world looked so trivially small.

I decided to take the plunge.

“Come on.” She pulled my arm playfully in the direction of Worth and Caleb. “Let’s have a little fun. The more, the merrier.”

I followed her as she wandered over to my friends, her hips swaying in a womanly way. I was ravenous for Geneva, and the night was still young. Anything could happen if I just embraced the present and kept my options wide open.