After making sure that the boy was going to be just fine, I finally allowed myself to wander off, back to our spot on the beach. I took a towel and draped it over my shoulders, feeling a chill as the breeze raked across my damp skin.

Suddenly, I didn’t want to be on the beach anymore. I was happy to be in the right place at the right time to save the kid, but I wanted a change of scenery. There were plenty of other activities in Miami we could immerse ourselves in. A hot and steamy shower to shake off my jitters was a great place to start.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said.

“Sounds good to me,” Worth said quietly, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

Chapter 7 - Geneva

“Hello?” I plucked my cell phone from where it had been sitting on top of the white marbled counter in my hotel bathroom. It was buzzing and vibrating against the counter.

“You made it through the night, I see,” Tamara teased as I held the receiver to my ear.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. She was referring to the fact that I had been so spooked last night on the beach that I asked her to come over and keep me company so that I didn’t have to be alone. Much to my relief, nothing had happened. We had spent a good portion of the night talking, gossiping, and having a couple of drinks out on the balcony.

I had cut myself off after two, not wanting to become inebriated just in case things took a turn that night. Being a single woman in my late twenties, I always needed to be cautious of my surroundings in order to protect myself.

Tamara had stayed until about midnight. Then, after we were both yawning and turning glassy eyed, Tamara called one of the talented photographers, Tyler, asking him to walk her back to her own room. He was staying in the same hotel as I was and hadn’t gone to bed yet, so it had worked out perfectly convenient at the time. Tyler was completely trustworthy and would never hurt a fly.

After Tamara left, I crashed as soon as my head hit the white fluffy pillow. Soon after, my unconscious mindset drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Now it was the next morning, and I was fluttering around the room, getting ready to go back to the beach for a few remaining shots that the crew wanted to squeeze in before we completely wrapped up the set and began our trek back to Tampa.

“I’m still here.” I laughed at Tamara’s playful taunting. “Although I have yet to leave my hotel room, so I don’t know what the real world will look like when I finally venture outside today.”

“I’ve been out there to grab coffee. No apocalypse yet.”

“And there were also no creepy guys lurking behind buildings or trying to follow you?”

“Nope.” Tamara sounded chipper.

“Well, good.” I propped my legs up on the bed and began rubbing jasmine scented lotion onto them. My skin was always parched after a shower. “I’ll be at the set right on time. Meet you there?”

“I’ll be there rain or shine.” We hung up.

A few minutes later, I grabbed my purse and phone and waltzed out the door and into the lobby where a fresh and rejuvenating sunshiny day was waiting for me.

A few hours of full body and single headshots later, the set assistants approached me with a terry cloth robe to drape around my bikini clad body. My wardrobe designers had chosen a sophisticated black and white striped bathing suit for me to wear for this particular day. A team of crew men jogged over to where I was standing to shield me from the sun’s rays with a huge umbrella. My image fit with the retro style description and the ideologies the magazine and the talent agency I was working with wanted to evoke. They worked their magic on me and I appreciated how we all functioned as a unit.

Tamara was not involved in the shoot for today, but she was still there, hanging out behind the scenes, cheering me on. After we finished up for the day, she approached me with a knowing look in her eye.

“Some of us are going to find a nightclub to dance at later tonight,” she said.

“That sounds fun.”

She swatted at my arm. “Come on, girl, you should join us.”

I scoffed. “Me? Really? You know I’m not much of a drinker.”

Being the party girl type wasn’t really my scene, although I took part in engaging in those kinds of activities in a social setting, but only to a certain extent.

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to drink to have fun. Just come out with us.”


“I won’t take no for an answer this time. It’ll be fun, I promise.”

“I suppose I’ve been working pretty hard lately. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a little break.”