With ten new people coming in, I was satisfied with the way the night was headed. As long as none of the new people caused any trouble, everything would be just fine.

I heard footsteps come up from behind me, and turned to see Diesel approaching with a smile.

He slapped his hand on my shoulder, his usual carefree grin spread across his face. “How are things going tonight?” he asked.

Diesel knew that I always had my finger on the pulse of the club. Nothing escaped my notice.

“Pretty well,” I nodded toward the dance floor on the other side of the glass. “Ten new people so far.”

“And the night is still young,” he said, following my gaze. “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

Someone who didn’t know better would probably be surprised to learn that Diesel was the majority owner. He had a bigger share in Crave than the rest of us, and he was here pretty much every night we were open. Although unlike me, Diesel didn’t come here just to work.

He enjoyed being at Crave for… other reasons.

For all his success, Diesel didn’t really share my business focus. Not that he wasn’t a decent businessman, of course. He was clearly doing quite well for himself. Still, his attitude and mine were very different. His main objective in life? To have fun and a lot of it.

I, on the other hand, took a much more focused approach. My work was my life. Fun wasn’t something I associated with my time at the club.

“I’m gonna head down and check out the fresh meat,” he said, his grin spreading as he leered out across the dance floor.

Diesel was a ladies’ man, through and through. He found a woman to hook up with pretty much every night of the week. I’d never seen him settle down with any of these women, but it didn’t seem hard for him to find them.

I couldn’t help laughing as I shook my head. “You have fun with that.”

“I can’t convince you to join me?” he asked.

“You know I don’t mix business with pleasure, Diesel.” I kept my tone friendly but firm. It wasn’t the first time he’d tried—and failed—to talk me into sampling some of the perks that came with owning a club like this.

But no. Not tonight.

It would take a hell of a lot more temptation than anything he had on offer to get me to change my mind.

“You know, it’s really a waste,” Diesel sighed, giving me a sideways glance.

“What is?”

“The fact that you’re this good-looking, stoic dude who chicks would climb all over. You and me could hit the floor of that club and have ‘em chasing after us like moths to a flame. It would be easy as hell.”

I smiled. “I don’t think you’ll have any trouble getting the girls without me.”

“Of course not.” He gave a cocky grin and a half-shrug before walking over to the elevator to head downstairs. “It’s just that my way would have been a hell of a lot more fun.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t look at the women who came in.

I did. It would have been impossible not to.

I had eyes, after all. And a dick that liked attention just like any other man.

When I was out looking for that sort of thing, I had no problem making the first move when I found a girl that caught my eye.

But I couldn’t imagine losing control while I was in this building the way Diesel did. This was my place of work, my business.

I couldn’t approach women here. I had an image to maintain as an owner.

One of us had to worry about that sort of thing, right?

I wanted to be taken seriously, and I wanted Crave to be taken seriously.