“Hey.” Geneva gave me a warm smile and touched the side of my cheek with her soft hand. “Just trust me, okay? Tamara just doesn’t fit the bill. Don’t worry about me. I’m going to be fine.”

I exchanged a glance with Ethan who gave me a somber nod as if I needed to just go with the flow and agree with Geneva no matter if I privately had a different opinion in my mind.

Geneva gave us a chagrined expression. “I won’t have to be here long, but if you guys want to find something else to do to keep you busy for now, that would probably be a good idea.”

“We’ll let you get to work then.” Ethan reeled her in for a hug. “Knock em’ dead.”

“I will.” Geneva’s smile was even broader now.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her. She was sincere and radiant. She made me feel relaxed and cozy, but I couldn’t shake this apprehensive reaction to Tamara. One way or another, I needed to just let it go for now and see how things played out.

“I’ll be fine,” Geneva called to us as we walked away and repeated, “Just trust me.”

I trusted her with all my heart. It was everyone else that I was suspicious about.

Chapter 27 - Geneva

After the fitting for the swimsuits we would wear for photo shoots that week, I followed Tamara to her dressing room. She wanted to show me the prints from a shoot she had done several weeks ago that she was just getting back.

“These are going live in a magazine next week,” Tamara said boastfully after we settled in together on her couch.

“Oh, wow.” I took the photos from her and did a quick scan. “Tamara, you look incredible.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes danced with delight as she absorbed my compliment.

“This one is my favorite.” I pointed to one where she was laying across a cluster of rocks where the waves crashed against the shore behind her. It was going to be a spread for a perfume advertisement.

“You know what? That was my favorite, too,” she chuckled.

I leaned back on the couch in her dressing room, allowing my body to sag into the cushions and relax for a few minutes.

“I’m so tired,” I yawned, staring at the ceiling fan above my head. It was lulling, entrancing me as it swirled around and around in a circle.

“Me, too.” Tamara said. She wandered over to her vanity chair and began lathering her hands with lotion and rubbed some of it on her arms. As she sat in her chair, she glanced at me through the mirror she was facing. Our eyes met as she looked at me through the reflection without turning around. “So, how are things going with those guys?”

“Pretty good, I guess.” I shrugged, but couldn’t keep the smile from playing across my lips. “They’ve been… actually really wonderful.”

It was strange. We’d only known each other since the vacation, yet I didn’t mind the speed at which things were taking shape with the guys. I was addicted to their adoring attention… and the off-the-charts sex was a bonus perk.

How could I deny myself that kind of passion and pleasure? I only got one chance at life. I wanted to embrace it and live each moment to the fullest of my potential.

Tamara glanced at me through the mirror again. “I think you would be smart to take it slow. You don’t know them that well.”

“They seem genuine so far,” I said a little defensively.

Tamara raised an eyebrow and turned around to face me. “Just be careful, okay? I care about you and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I paused before answering. Tamara was looking at me with an odd expression, but her eyes appeared strangely vacant. I suddenly remembered the way Caleb was trying to warn me before he left. It was hot in this dressing room. I fanned myself with a magazine on the round table beside the couch.

“Thanks,” I said with a hesitant smile. I knew how to take care of myself, but I appreciated Tamara’s efforts to look out for me.

“You’re a sweet girl,” she added. “You deserve the best.”

I smiled. “So do you. Whew, I guess they want to make us sweat today, huh?” I chuckled as I continued to fan myself.

Tamara’s features went back to normal. “Right?” She curled her lips. “I’m wondering if the air conditioner is broken or something.”

A knock on the dressing room door side-railed our conversation. It was one of the production assistants. They were normally the gophers for errands and passing along messages. She told Tamara that the director of her specific photo shoot needed to discuss some details with her before they got started.