While I was pulling my shirt over my head, I heard a thud. I yanked the rest of it over my body then glanced around.

“Worth? Was that you? Are you alright?”

He walked from around the corner, frowning. “What was that noise?”

Every muscle in my body froze. “I thought… Wasn’t that you?”

“It wasn’t.” Worth shook his head.

I instinctively glanced at the front door. Oh, God. Not again. My heart rate was escalating. I took a few steps towards the door in my bare feet.

“Don’t.” Worth pushed ahead of me, eyes narrowed, jawline tight. “I’ll go.”

I nodded. “Okay. . .Sure, that makes sense.” I watched with crippling anxiety as he hesitantly opened the door and peered outside. “Do you see anything?” I stared into the empty darkness of the street in front of us.

Was my house as trashed as my hotel had been?

Worth looked around, then crouched down to retrieve a note that had been left on the doorstep.

Heart pounding, I moved closer. “What is it?”

He glanced at me, and then back down at the note. “You better watch your step,” he said, not answering at all.

“What do you mean?” I glanced down at my feet.

He held up the note on a sheet of paper. “No, that’s what this note says.”

I stared at it, but I didn’t recognize the handwriting. I looked up at Worth, trying to gauge his reaction. He stared back at me, as calm as a still pool.

Suddenly a terrible gut wrenching sensation stabbed me in the belly. Worth had been away with me, but Caleb and Ethan… they were unaccounted for. And what had been the chances of meeting those same three guys on the beach, and then conveniently in the club at the same time my hotel room had been ransacked?

My words came out in a rasp. “This is you and your friends; it has to be.”

“What?” Worth stood, looking alarmed. “No…what are you talking about?”

“You, Caleb and Ethan did this,” I insisted. “Didn’t you?”

“I had nothing to do with—”

“It all makes sense now,” I said as fragments began to take shape in my mind. “It has to be you guys. Who else would be doing this? I don’t have any enemies, and nothing like this had ever happened to me until I met you all.” I looked at him, eyes narrowed. “What, is this some sort of joke you and your friends like to pull?”

“No…” Worth took a step in my direction, hands outstretched, but I pulled back.

“I think you should go,” I said.

“Geneva…” Worth looked heartbroken, like a wounded puppy.

I wouldn’t budge. Part of me did see his outright hurt expression, and despite everything I did feel a little bad. But until I could figure out who was behind all these threats, I couldn’t trust anyone. “I just need to be alone right now.”

“That’s the last thing you need,” he protested. “Someone left a note for you—"

Yeah, and it was probably one of his friends.

“Just go, Worth. Please. Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”

He picked up his shirt and pulled it over his head, still looking shocked at the turn of events. “Okay. I’ll go. I’m sorry, Geneva. But please, listen to me: It wasn’t me or my friends. I swear.”

I closed the door before he could see me cry.