Geneva swallowed hard and took a deep breath as if she were preparing. “I just meant…you don’t need to get a separate hotel room. I want you there with me.”

There was a silent beat where we all took that in, and I swear I could have probably sliced the sexual tension with a knife. The flesh between my legs hardened and throbbed, and it was all directed towards the sexy blonde sitting across from me on the bed.

“If you’re sure.” I made myself say the words, needing to be absolutely sure. She had been through quite the shocks today, and the last thing I wanted to do was take advantage.

“I agree with you guys,” she said reluctantly. “I shouldn’t be here by myself. It’s not safe. I don’t know what to expect, or who might be lurking out there just waiting on an opportunity to catch me alone.”

I gave her a heartfelt look. “Everything will eventually come to light,” I promised. Even if I was only halfway sold on that testament myself, I could at least try to sell her the assurance in the meantime.

Geneva’s face brightened. “Well.” She shrugged with a sheepish smile. “I’m the one who invited you back to my hotel room in the first place, remember?”

Even if she hadn’t planned it in advance, her sultriness infused the air. I was like a lovesick puppy. I would have done anything to take her right then and there.

Luckily, Ethan stepped forward. “Do you want to pack a little bag to go?”

Geneva nodded. “Yeah. I suppose that would be a good idea.”

“I can help if you like,” I offered gently.

“No.” Geneva cast me a smile. “I just need a few outfits and toiletries’ and maybe um…” she trailed off and shifted her weight awkwardly, “panties and bras.” Her cheeks flushed crimson at the words.

Caleb laughed. “Aren’t you a model? You’re probably used to posing in swimsuits and undergarments.”

She chuckled reluctantly and dipped her head, looking at us from underneath dark eyelashes. “It’s not the same, is it?”

I held my breath with the suspense of picturing what she might look like in sexy lingerie, or even completely naked. The erection in my pants throbbed with torment.

“Grab whatever you need to take with you,” I said. “We can wait outside the room if you want?” I wanted to give her the option for privacy, even though I was craving to see what her panties looked like as she tossed them into an overnight bag.

“That’s okay.” She vigorously shook her head. “I’ll just be a minute…” She trailed off as she spun around in a circle, grabbing the top of her head as if she was trying to get her bearings in order.

“Let us know if you need any help.” Ethan took a step in her direction, his eyes yearning.

Geneva gave him a heartfelt smile. “If you really want to be helpful, you can carry my bag for me once I pack it.”

I watched Caleb continue to wander around the room with his hands on his hips and determination etched onto his features. He was showing off for Geneva, trying to prove himself worthy of cracking the case.

I had to hand it to the guy. Although I was amused by his over the top reaction, I believed that it went unnoticed by Geneva. She was so distraught about the condition of her room that she probably wouldn’t have noticed if a talking cat waltzed into the room on its hind legs smoking a cigar.

It was going to have to be my job to keep her comfortable, satisfied and sheltered. I flicked my gaze to where she sat, abstractly tossing shirts and shorts into her duffel bag.

I didn’t want to look, but I couldn’t peel my eyes away. I watched as a few black panties and a red bra were dashed into the bag and tucked away. My heart raced, and my skin was blazing from the inside out. What the fuck is wrong with me? It’s not like I’ve never seen a woman’s underthings before.

I took a deep breath to pacify my sex crazed mind. Caleb distracted me by placing the stingray figurine into a grocery bag.

“I’m going to take this with me,” he stated. “I have a buddy that can brush it for fingerprints back in Tampa. It won’t be enough to arrest someone without a warrant, but it will at least give us a direction to start to look.”

Geneva’s eyes brightened. “That’s a great idea.”

Caleb shrugged. “It might not show anything, but it’s worth a shot.”

Geneva stood up with a heavy sigh. “Okay guys, that’s everything. Let’s get out of here. This place is really giving me the creeps now.”

I gently placed my hand on the small of her back to get her smoothly to the door. “Try not to worry,” I offered. “Tomorrow is always a new day.”

It was the best advice I could give her to keep her calm, given the circumstances. As she walked in front of me, I inhaled a whiff of her feminine scent. She smelled so fresh. I wondered if she used coconut shampoo.

Either way, everything about Geneva Danes kicked my desire into overdrive.