“Of course.” Brenda picked up the phone started to dial at once. The call was quick and she turned back to us within a few minutes. “They said they’ll have someone arriving shortly. I can tell you that I haven’t received any noise complaints within the last few hours.”

“Do you have any surveillance cameras?” I asked.

Brenda let out a regretful sigh. “Unfortunately, not right now.”

I exchanged a confused glance with Geneva. “What do you mean?” I looked back to Brenda for an explanation.

Brenda furrowed her brow apologetically as she frowned, shifting her weight behind the counter. “Normally, we do have surveillance cameras, but they aren’t in the lobby, they’re on the corner of the building near the west side of the parking lot.”

I shrugged. “They might show something.”

“Unfortunately,” Brenda began again, “the tapes have to be rotated and switched every five days. They’re currently in between right now, and it takes twenty-four hours.”

I groaned. This was a crushing blow. If anyone of suspicion walked in the direction the cameras pointed, we might have missed our window. I tried to tell myself that it was a miniscule chance to begin with, so I wouldn’t grow increasingly frustrated. We seemed to be striking out from all angles.

I placed my hand gently on the small of Geneva’s back. “Let’s go back upstairs,” I said, then turned back around to address Brenda. “Will you tell the officer who shows up we’ll be waiting for him at room 303?”

Brenda nodded. “Absolutely. Someone should arrive soon. Please tell me what they find, and if you would like a new hotel room…”

“Of course.” Say one thing for Geneva, she was under a lot of shock and stress, but whereas some women would be snappish and weepy, she retained her sense of grace. “I’m not sure if I’m comfortable staying here tonight, considering what happened…”

That was my cue to jump in. “We’ll figure something out.” Daringly, I slid my arm around her waist. She didn’t object.

I’d talk with the others and we could figure it out from there. In the meantime, I would take Geneva back upstairs to comfort her because it was the least I could do.

Chapter 14 - Geneva

“Now really think about it.” Worth inspected my features as he peered into my eyes with precise determination.

I inhaled sharply and cupped my sweaty palms over my knees as I sat down on the edge of the bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded.

“Is there anyone that you could think of who might want to hurt you, or has some kind of grudge or animosity towards you?”

I opened my eyes to Worth staring back at me. My heart raced. The sound of my pulse swooshed through my ears like the pattering of horse hooves against a dirt path.

“I can’t think of anyone…” I admitted.

Worth looked disappointed, but his lips curled into a crooked half-smile. “It’s okay.” He stroked my hair, sending chill bumps of pleasure up my spine. He looked back at Caleb and Ethan for more ideas with a shrug.

However, Caleb had his back turned to us. He didn’t appear to be paying attention to our conversation. He was opening drawers, with my preapproved consent of course, looking for any hints that the intruder might have inadvertently left behind.

“Do you have any enemies?” Ethan asked.

“Enemies?” I repeated, holding in a disbelieving laugh. “I model for a living. I don’t exactly run around with drug lords and… make enemies.”

He chuckled, but then grew serious. “Even on set?”

“I don’t…” I trailed off again with an apologetic curl of my lips. Then I shook my head. “No, don’t let the movies make you think it’s a cut-throat business. We all get along.”

“And I bet she’s too sweet to think otherwise,” Worth added, tempering it with a smile.

We were seemingly back to square one. A police officer on duty had responded to the call, but he had already come and gone, getting a statement and telling us that since nothing was stolen from the room that there was little he could do in the situation, other than log in a report in case it happened again.

He had suggested I don’t stay alone tonight. I knew the guys would be agreeable to that notion. They had been hovering protectively over me the entire time the officer was in the room with us.

I’m not sure how I felt about that… other than grateful I wasn’t alone. All three of them were enticing in their own hungry and ravishing ways.

Caleb continued to rifle through areas of the room where the most items appeared to be disturbed. Worth continued to gaze at me with handsome charm that captured my breath and suspended the air in my lungs.