Engrossed in a heated game of volleyball, we were enjoying a three day leave with our other best friend, Caleb Dolan. He was the head of the Military Police division at MacDill Air Force base. Ethan and I were pilots.

It was Caleb and Ethan against me, two against one. But I was the better player, and agreed to run this particular game solo.

I ran backward to allow myself sufficient room to spike the ball in the air, then I tumbled into something. Dazed, I jolted as I spilled backwards, catching myself before I hit the sand with a thud.

“What the hell?” I cursed, searching for the ball that somehow went flying off into the air behind me. That’s when I noticed a woman on the ground. “Damn! Did the ball hit you? Sorry about that.”

The woman looked up, and my jaw went slack as I laid eyes on one of the most stunning faces I’d ever seen. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. Are you hurt?”

I reached down and helped her up.

She was clearly flustered. Ocean blue eyes looked up at

me, then away. “It’s um… really. I’m okay.”

“It’s okay,” she mumbled. She pushed her short platinum blonde curls off her cheeks, tucking a few strands behind her ear. “I’m fine, really.”

She had a friend with dark hair who was standing protectively by her side. “He ran into you,” she said, giving me a look that could melt glass.

I winced and glanced over my shoulder toward the dunes. “It was game point and I can get a little competitive.” I reached out to brush loose sand off her. Damn, she was hot. Creamy white skin and curves for days.

She was blushing as I stared at her, lips curled upward. “I’m not hurt. Really.” She shrugged, laughing.

“I swear I didn’t see you. The sun was in my eyes and…” I said, realizing I was repeating myself. I had to get a goddamn grip.

I trailed off as I saw Caleb and Ethan striding in our direction. As they approached, I recognized the masculine interest sharpening their gazes. The same interest I was sure she saw in mine.

“Hey, gorgeous. The Neanderthal here knocked you over, huh?” Ethan asked.

“Oh! Well, it was an accident.” She glanced at me, as if embarrassed on my behalf.

Caleb let out an honest to God whistle. “Are you two those models who were doing photoshoots earlier?” The question was addressed to both, but he stared at the blonde, openly admiring. Caleb never shielded his emotions, or his thoughts for that matter.

I glared at him. He ignored me.

The woman laughed. “Yup, that’s us. Tamara and I just finished, actually. So… no harm done by knocking me over,” she finished with a glance my way. There was an appealing lack of haughtiness in her body language, the kind of ego found in women who took their beauty for granted.

“You’re too beautiful not to be a model,” I said, inwardly cringing at the corny line. What was I, eight? I was worse than Caleb. He needed to wipe the saliva off his chin before I wiped it off for him. He caught my gaze, smirking. Fucker.

“Thank you.” She blushed. “My name is Geneva. Geneva Danes.”

“Worth Benson.” After a moment’s hesitation, she finally took my offered hand. The heat of her skin on mine sizzled with a chemical attraction. Caleb glared at me, smirk gone. “And this yahoo here is—”

“Ethan Bates,” Ethan cut in, giving me a hard look.

“And I’m Caleb,” Caleb crooned. “Caleb Dolan. I’m head of the Military Police at the 927th Wing at the MacDill Air Force Base.”

Geneva’s eyes widened as a spark of recognition flashed in front of her features. “Tampa?”

The guys and I exchanged a look. “That’s right. You’ve heard of it?”

“Heard of it?” She laughed in a bell-peal that sounded magical. “Heck yes. I live in Tampa, too!”

“Wow.” I chuckled, glancing at my friends. “What a small world.”

Ethan grinned at her. His blond hair glowed in the sun. “That’s quite the coincidence.”

“Fate, some might say,” Caleb chortled.