Page 31 of Evil King

Omg, Deon. I’m so sorry about him.

Don’t worry about it. I’m not worried about him.

I’m bummed our conversation got cut short.

Me too. Though, truth be told, it didn’t really seem like we were headed for any more talking.

Oh, is that what you think?

That’s not where I was headed.

Since we got cut short, I guess we’ll have to use the tech way to “not talk.”

The tech way?

Hehe. Ever heard of sexting, prison boy?

Just the mention of the word had excitement rushing all over my body. Ordinarily, I would never mess with someone that I knew was already in a relationship, but knowing Cherri wasn’t emotionally invested in her relationship with Nathan made me slightly less strict. I wouldn’t date her until she was uninvolved with Nathan, but why couldn’t we have a little tech-fun in the meantime.

Oh, it was a long four years. Educate me.

Fine then. I walk in your room, and I look like this. What would you do?

Look like what?

The next thing I got was a series of pictures of Cherri with the top of her dress pulled down to reveal her breasts. Her head was tilted teasingly to the side, and her bottom lip was held between her teeth. A few of the images showed her from the front, while a couple of others were shot over her shoulder, giving me a nice view of her full backside. My temperature doubled, and my groin was already straining in my pants.

Good god, Cherri. What wouldn’t I do?

Tell me.



Iwas relieved that Maine pulled out one last relatively warm Saturday so that Avery and I could go shopping without needing to be too bundled up. My top of choice was still a thin orange hoodie and a pair of warm sweatpants with my knee-high converses. Avery had gone for a long-sleeved purple t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. Postings Proper had an outlet mall that served as the main shopping district in Postings, and it was our favorite pastime to go and spend lots of our parents’ money there. We’d already done quite a bit of damage in the first half of our trip and had decided to take up an entire booth in a 70s-style diner with our bags and grab some lunch.

“Okay,” Avery started once we had ordered our food and gotten settled. “You’ve been in a delightful mood all day. Out with it. What happened? You disappeared with Deon last night. Don’t think I didn’t see it.”

“I did,” I responded with a smile. “We talked for a while. We ended up catching up a little bit, and then we started talking about, you know, us.”

Avery smiled. “Like you and Deon?”

“Yeah.” Just thinking of Deon made me smile. “We talked about how I’m not really into Nathan and how he’s dreamed of picking up where we left off.”

“Did you talk about him going to prison?” Avery asked.

“We did,” I responded, nodding. “He didn’t want to talk about why he went there, which I understood, but he did confirm that he went.” I snickered and covered my face with my hands as I said, “I told him that Prison Deon was sexy.”

Avery gasped. “Oh my god. That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you. What did he do?”

My body got a little hotter. “He flexed. I honestly think if Nathan hadn’t interrupted, we probably would have kissed.” Our waiter brought our food, and I took a bite before dropping, “We sexted last night.”

Avery was halfway through a bite and nearly choked on it. “You what!”

I giggled. “I couldn’t help myself. I was all turned on from talking to him, so when he left and when I finally got Nathan off my back, I texted him, and things got heated.”

“And?” Avery prompted. “Did you get dick pics?”