Page 5 of Maybe Baby

I finally got my nice, cool shower. Afterward, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I analyzed my face. My eyes were tawny brown. I didn’t wear a lot of eye make-up, but tonight for some reason, I wanted to look more sophisticated so I went for it.

I decided to wear my favorite jean skirt and a white cotton tank. I glanced at the clock on my microwave and saw that it was about ten til seven. Opening the fridge, I grabbed a handful of seedless grapes to hold me over since I'd skipped lunch.

There was a knock on my front door as I finished the grapes, and tugged at my short jean skirt, trying to make it cover more than it was supposed to cover. I opened my door to a smiling Clint.


“Wow!” Clint’s eyes lit up as he gave me the once-over. “You’ve got some legs on you, babe,” he winked at me playfully.

“Stop!” I laughed. “This skirt must’ve shrunk. Should I put something else on?”

“No way,” he said

When we arrived at Luke’s, the last cottage before the woods, the party was well under way. There were lawn chairs set up around in the side yard, and a fire pit ready to go as soon as the sun went down. There was a keg on ice, and a couple of coolers sitting side-by-side stocked with other kinds of booze.

I waved to Ray and his girlfriend Denise who were sitting together on a log. I'd met Denise earlier in the week when Ray brought her by the stables. She was in her 40s and she owned a salon in town. She had very soft features, wispy dark blond hair and a full figure. She was warm and friendly. I really liked her.

“Hey, Denise,” I grinned, glad she was here.

“Hey, sweetie,” she called out. “Well, look at you, girl! You're finally showing off those great legs! I best not find out you're dressing like that at work and turning my man's head!"

I laughed knowing quite well that nobody could distract Ray from Denise. It was obvious that he was crazy about her. Ray chuckled as he pulled Denise closer to him and gave her a swift kiss on the mouth. “You know, Tylar’s like one of my own, Neecie. You're all I can handle,” Ray said.

“You best remember that, stud,” she replied, wiping her own lipstick off of his mouth and squeezing his chin.

Clint was talking with Luke and Rodney over by the keg. He caught my eye and came over to offer me a wine cooler. I wasn't a drinker. I'd relatively little experience with alcohol.

“I thought maybe you'd prefer this to a beer,” he said, twisting the cap off and handing it to me.

“Thank you, Clint,” I replied, accepting the cold bottle. I tipped it to my lips and, because I was parched, drank the whole thing down at once.

“Easy, girl,” Clint warned, “I know it’s not whiskey, but if you don’t drink alcohol very often, anything can have a kick to it.”

“Tasted like punch to me, Clint,” I remarked. “May I have another?” I smiled coquettishly up at him. He shook his head, making his way over to the ice chest for another wine cooler. He handed me the ice-cold bottle, with a stern comment.

“Slower this time, and I mean it, okay?” He raised his bottle of Bud and took a lengthy swallow. Just then, Jenna’s shrill voice filled the air. I quickly downed half of the wine cooler, grateful that Clint had turned to watch her approach us.

“Well, well, well, what’s goin’ on with you two, huh? Looking awful cozy there like two snug bugs in a rug. Tylar, hey girl, look at you! I really like your skirt. Generally, short girls can’t pull that off.”

Jenna was probably three inches taller than me. I was 5′4′′ and she was no more than 5′7′′ at best. I did not consider myself short. She was just being her normal catty self. Clint shifted uneasily beside me.

“You here alone?” I asked.

Jenna smirked and glanced over to where a tall, black-haired man that looked as if he may have had some American Indian heritage came down over the hill toward her. He was lean, nice-looking, and obviously fond of tats. He had a white wife-beater shirt that highlighted his muscular shoulders, tight black jeans, and pointy boots. He was at least 6′4′′, with dark, almost black eyes, and long sideburns.

“There you are, darlin',” Jenna squealed. “I was beginning to think you got lost.” She grabbed his tanned arm and pulled it close. It was practically lying across her breasts as she raised it so that it looped over her shoulders. He seemed a bit embarrassed. “I want y’all to meet my friend, Stuart. Stuart, this is Clint, and this is Tylar,” she said, throwing her free arm out as if displaying prizes on a game show. Stuart nodded to each of us, and finally noticed that Clint had his right hand extended for a handshake. Stuart reluctantly took it as if he wasn’t used to being introduced. I gave him a quick wave, saying “Hey.” He nodded in return.

“Baby,” Jenna gushed, “why don’t you go on over there and get us both a couple of beers, okay? Keg is fine.” Stuart nodded, again, and went off to do as instructed.

“Is he not a gorgeous god?” she mused, whether to Clint or me I wasn’t sure.

“Uh, yeah, quite the package, Jenna,” I responded, trying to sound sincere.

“He manages the best body shop in town, yeah, I know, and what am I doing with a guy with so little aspirations. But I gotta tell you, what that man can do with his tongue and with his dick is something else! I guess you wouldn’t understand, Tylar.”

I was pissed. How'd she presume to know my experience with men? I started to interrupt her but thought better of it. Instead, I drained the rest of my wine cooler and sweetly asked Clint if he'd get me another one. Clint raised an eyebrow, shook his head again, and was off.

“So, Jenna, why do you think I wouldn’t understand your attraction to such a hot guy?” I tried to pull flippant off, but I hiccupped at the end, which took some of the sting out of it.