Page 8 of Shock

Got her.

“I bought out the flight trauma unit. The hospital has agreed to outsource it to me and allow me my own team.” I bite my lip, waiting for her to say something.

“Why?” She whispers, and I roll my eyes because how could she not know I love her more than my own life?

Because you’ve never told her asshole.

“I didn’t appreciate the way they broke my team up by firing you. I won’t be put into that position again. This way, we’re subcontracted by the hospital, and no one can fuck with my employees.” I listen to more water moving through the phone line and lose my battle with my dick.

The thought of water dripping down her curves and landing on the floor instead of my tongue makes me irritatingly angry. And just to fuck with my blue balls even further, I log into the camera server and get a perfect visual of what I imagined when her bathroom door opens, and she walks in dripping wet.

I want to make her wet.

FUCK! I need to get off this phone before I need to jerk off behind my desk. The universe must agree with me because someone knocks on my door before opening it.

I minimize the screen and smile at the head of our Human Resources department. Ceila waves when she sees me on the phone.

“Listen, think it over and let me know. The position is yours unless you tell me otherwise, and then I’ll just be pissed I have to hire and train someone new. Please save my life and take the damn job.” She laughs at me.

“Fine, I’ll think about it.” I smile bigger.

“Great! I’m emailing you some paperwork.” She starts to argue, but I talk over her.

“Look it over, sign it, and I’ll see you Wednesday morning. Ok, bye!” I hang up and stand to shake Ceila’s hand.

“What can I do for you, Ms. HR?” She laughs and sits down.

“If that was Ms. Garcia on the phone, then I’m glad I came straight over to talk to you.” She keeps a pleasant look on her face, but I heard to the undertone of apprehension when she says Hannah’s surname.

“Oh?” I sit back and wait to hear what the issue is now.

“You may employ whoever you wish. However,” I hold up a hand to stop her.

“Please be frank with me, Ceila. You know I don’t have time for bullshit.” She nods and sighs.

“She can’t be on the property, Diego. He has a restraining order on her.” I stand so fast the chair hits the wall, causing Ceila to gasp.

“WHAT!” My outrage at this whole thing hits the boiling point.

“He’s afraid of her.” She chuckles nervously, and I frown.

He should be. Apparently, she breaks people’s noses when she’s bored.

“If he didn’t go around sexually harassing nurses, he’d have nothing to worry about.” I spit the words out as I walk around my desk and hold my door open.

“I assume, if she stays on the helicopter, it would be fine?” I question as Ceila takes the hint and stands to leave my office.

“Technically, but Diego,” She places a hand on my arm, and it feels wrong on so many levels.

“It would be easier and safer to hire someone new.” I step back out of her reach at her words.

“Safer?” She nods.

“For your career.”