“This is Nola, baby.” I absolutely love that accent, and on him, it’s panty-dropping.
Or underwear, I guess, since Seer is an equal-opportunity lover.
“So, what’s a girl gotta do to get a drink and a hug in this place?” I grin as the customers littering the establishment watch our antics.
“Depends on the establishment and clientele. Ya might want to be careful how you word things around these parts, Little Lady. Southern hospitality ain’t for the weak.” I twist to catch Cowboy, ready to throw me over his shoulder.
“Gotta be quicker than that.” I laugh as he lunges for me.
“Ooaf,” I gasp out as I’m over his shoulder and dangling upside down, being patted on the ass.
“That’s a good girl. I reckon you know your place.” I growl at his words.
“I will rip your balls off, Cowboy.” He rights my world and sits me at the bar in front of Seer.
“Hey now, be nice.” He kisses my cheek and sits next to me.
“Hungry?” Seer asks as he pours me a tall mug of rich black chicory coffee.
“Starved! Nova wouldn’t stop this morning, knowing how close we were. I really wanted Waffle House, too.” I pout at Seer, who shakes his head at me.
“That place is good for two things, and neither is food. I’ll send a prospect to fetch ya some real grub.” Cowboy stands and walks over to a guy standing in the corner of the bar, just watching.
“Security this early?” Seer grins.
“Never mind. It’s Nola, right?” He bumps my nose as Mayhem takes the seat Cowboy vacated.
“How’s your ass?” He grunts.
“Sore as hell.” I grin.
“That sounds familiar. I should call him.” Seer wipes down the bar top as I choke on my coffee.
He winks and walks away to take a customer’s order.
“Fucking asshole,” Mayhem grumbles at his President.
“Go unpack and relax. I’ll bring up the grub when it gets here.” I nod and hold the mug to my chest.
“Easy, Little Lady, no one is going to try to take your precious caffeine away.” I take another sip and sigh.
“They better not. I bite.” Cowboy laughs.
“Meaner than a rattlesnake. Come on, I’ll show you your room. You’re right next to me.” I follow him back behind thebar, past the restroom and a storage area to a door that says no entrance.
“Abel put your metrics in this morning but try it now so I can call him if it doesn’t work.” He points to a palm reader.
I place my hand on the black screen, and it lights up purple as it reads my print.
“Welcome Hannah Garcia.” The AI says, and I wrinkle my nose.
“Why the full government?” Cowboy shrugs.
“Not sure. It only uses Nola member’s road names.” Hmm, Abel has a reason for all his crazy, but I will ask him next time we talk.
“This one is yours.” I look at the numbers on the doors and rub my fingers around the plaque.
“Tarot Cards?” He nods.