Page 26 of Shock

We agreed to meet for dinner, so I need to fill my time for the next few hours. I’ve stopped myself from calling or texting, but I will soon let her know we have reservations at seven.

“Primo! Twice in a week? That woman is going to put you in an early grave.” I roll my eyes as we slap palms and hug.

“Actually, things have turned around. I just need to waste some time until we have dinner tonight.” He grins at my happiness.

“It’s about fucking time! Bien, I’ll put your ass to work. We have a new recruit that needs to be broken in. Shouldn’t damage that pretty face.” He slaps my cheek harder than necessary.

“Cabrón,” I hiss at him while he laughs.

“Rich! Let me introduce you to,” Holy fucking shit.

“Diego?” Dr. Richard Prichett’s eyes widen as he takes me in outside of my standard work uniform.

Fucking shit.

“Not your regular place to hang out, Doctor. Did the country club close?” I look at my cousin like he’s insane for letting someone like this into his gym.

He plasters a fake-as-hell grin on his face as if he has the upper hand here as he does at the hospital. Wrong fucker.

“I used to box in college, and I guess I wanted to relive my glory days. Only two gyms in town at my caliber.” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“That so? The other?” My cousin can’t help himself.

His competitive side is why he’s done so well for himself. That, and the fact that I backed him as a silent partner. I’ve never flexed that on him before, but for this fucker I will.

“HAVOC, the new gym in town. Their application process is a bit lacking, though.” I grin at the bitterness in his voice.

He must not know that Hannah is a partner there.

I tilt my head at the sweat coming down his forehead and narrow my eyes. Or does he?

“Interesting. I’d heard their background check screens out predators or anyone accused of keeping out unwanted trouble. It’s something we should probably look into. We wouldn’t want sex offenders praying on our club members.” I look at my cousin, who picks up what I’m putting down quickly.

“There’s no need to bring up that ugliness.” Richard huffs, looking around to see who may have heard our conversation.

“Dr. Prichett, I’m not sure we’re the right fit for your type. Why don’t you see the front desk for a full refund.” My cousin points to the front doors, and Richards’s face grows red.

“I just joined! I haven’t had my first training session.” I chuckle and drop my bag on the floor.

“I’m not training a sexual predator. Get the fuck out before I make you.” I step forward, and my cousin’s hand on my chest stops me from climbing into the ring with Richard to forcibly remove him.

“You can’t talk to me like that! I could just buy this gym and kick you out.” I laugh and look around the gym as he draws a crowd with his antics.

“Motherfucker, leave. Before you find out the real reason why this gym is called DOA.” I smile at our initials.

Diego, Oscar, Andres.

We thought we were so clever at the wordplay. Richard’s face pales, and my medical side takes over for a second as I watch him closely. He climbs out of the ring slowly, on the opposite side of where I’m standing, and walks over to Andres.

I see Oscar by the front desk with his arms crossed, waiting to back us up if needed.

“You’ll regret this.” Before I can reach him, Andres has him by the throat.

“You wanna repeat that louder Gringo? Do I look like someone you want to threaten? Fuck your refund. Get your ass in that sweet Bently, and fuck off. I better NEVER see you again.” Andres drags him to the front doors and throws him out on his ass.

“Permanent Ban on his account. Oscar, get a hold of HAVOC and find out what system they use to screen people. I want it.” Andres looks at me and nods.

“Warm up. I’m ready.” I grin at his words.