Page 4 of Shock

I stroke my cock to visions of that night years ago. I grind my teeth like I always do. I’m a fucking asshole for never coming clean. Working by her side for five whole years and never once saying, “Oh hey, remember the guy who stole your virginity and bounced before you woke up without so much as leaving his name and number? Yeah, that was me. Surprise!”

In my defense, how do you start that conversation?

It’s clear to me that she has never recognized me. We were really drunk, but that makes my anger at the whole thing boil over. I sigh and slam my hand on the shower wall, and groan as the memory takes me over.

“Hey, did your boyfriend just ditch you?” She looks up and smiles at me.

“You make an awful lot of assumptions. I really hope that isn’t how you plan to practice medicine.” My cheeks hurt from how hard I grin.

“You’re right. None of my business just wanted to make sure you were ok. How are you even allowed in this bar after hours?” She points at the guy behind the bar, who’s ringing the last-call bell.

“That is my honorary grandfather.” The dude, as if summoned, looks our way, and she waves at him.

“Get gone, girl! Don’t get knocked up in my bar either.” She laughs at my face cause who the fuck talks like that?

“Nice family.” I deadpan.

“I love every single one of them.” She raises the phone to her ear again, then sighs.

“You need a ride?” I offer, and she bites her lips while looking around the bar.

“Depends what you’re driving?” She stands and heads for the door.

I trip over my feet to follow her and flip my companions off when they laugh at the way I’m dragging my tongue on the floor for this teenage beauty queen. She’s fucking gorgeous, and if she gives me a chance in hell, I’m taking it.

When we’re both outside, there are exactly four cars left in the parking lot. A minivan, a convertible coupe, a VW Bug bus, and my old-school Cuda. She’s my pride and joy.

“Let me guess. The VW Bus, right?” I laugh and walk over to the classic muscle car.

She walks around it and whistles, trailing her finger on the fresh paint job.

“It was my grandfather’s. I restored it all through med school. Tonight was her maiden voyage.” I smile as I watch her admire my work.

“Well, being good with your hands is good for your profession. What type of medicine are you going to practice?” I open the passenger door for her, and then rush to climb in.

“I want to be a trauma surgeon.” She looks impressed for a moment and then hides it behind narrowed eyes.

“Where to?” I turn over the engine and relax into my seat to feel the vibrations.

“You just finished your residency tonight?” I nod, and she points at her dress.

“I went to my senior prom. It was lame, so I left, but I don’t feel like I celebrated right.” I lick my lips and pray she’s eighteen, but first, I need to know why she thinks it sucked.

“How so?” She shrugs, and I wonder how someone can ask so many questions but not have answers.

“In your medical opinion, Doctor, should a woman leave her prom night a virgin?” I swallow hard and shake my head like the idiot I am.

“I didn’t think so.” Her smile takes me off guard even more, and then she points at the road.

“What’s your name?” I ask myself, but yet again, she ignores the question.

I pull out on the road and bite my tongue until she finally speaks.

“No names, Doc.” I nod.

I can do anonymous. Until morning, anyway. No way am I not getting her name and number.

“I have to know how old you are, though. Legally.” Her little pink tongue runs across her bottom lip, and my cock starts to throb.