Page 36 of Shock

I’ll keep the helmet off until I see her walk out the door.

I’ll take the time to check in with my cousin and get the information for his friend here in town. He answers before the phone even rings.

“Hello?” I call out over the noise on the other end.

“DIEGO?!” Andres asks over the racket.

“What the hell is going on?” I pull the phone away from my ear slightly, hoping to save my eardrum.

“Hang on,” The noise grows lower the longer I wait, and then Andres sighs.

“The construction team is here pouring the new slab for the addition. I was getting ready to call you when my phone rang. Have you seen the news?” I completely forgot about the new plans and feel horrible yet again for not being around to pull my weight.

“Stop that shit. We needed the money fronted, and you came through. You pick up classes when you can, and you win me a shit ton of dough during our fights. You do enough, Peñedjo.” I grin at his words.

“How do you always know?” He snorts.

“It’s the only time you shut the fuck up. When your inner voice is trying to convince you that you’re not enough. Trust me, you are. You’re a fucking Doctor, for Christ’s sake. Cut yourself some slack.” I nod to him and to myself.

He’s completely right, but when you grow up poor, an immigrant, and from the wrong side of town, it’s a hard ass habit to break.

“What was on the news?” I try to steer him away from my severe lack of self-worth.

That’s a battle for a different day.

“We have a serial killer knocking off pretty blondes.” My heart sinks to my ass.

“What?” I whisper and take my eyes off the brewery.

“Five total so far, but another woman was reported missing this morning.” A car horn blares behind me and I glance in time to see Hannah coming out the front doors of the building.

“Gotta go,” I hang up and step back into the shadows before rushing to replace my helmet.

Who the hell is killing women back home, and why was Hannah suddenly whisked away to the Bayou? My mind turns the facts over and over in my head, and the worst-case scenario that I come up with ain’t good.

She’s connected somehow, and I need to figure out how. As soon as the truck she gets in pulls away, I make my way into the Brewery. It’s time to get some intel and check the local news stories back home.

If she’s in danger, I’m getting her the hell away from it.

“Welcome, it’s open seating.” I nod at the young woman who greets me and moves over to the far corner of the bar right next to the backdoor.

I sit and unzip my suit.

“That looks hot.” The bartender smirks at me.

“Occupational hazard.” I shrug my shoulders as he places a napkin in front of me.

“What can I get you?” He licks his lips suggestively, and I smile.

“What you offering, handsome?” I wink at him, which I can see throws him.

Hey, don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. I may not be gay, but Oscar is, and I’ve seen his game. That man can melt the underwear off any sex. He just happens to love dick.

“How about ice water and a menu.” I let him off the hook easy.

“Payton! Menu, please, Baby.” Oh, that accent is fucking trouble.

“What brings you to town, stranger?” I don’t answer right away, looking at the menu the young woman hands me.