It’s takingevery fiber of my being not to barrel into the building and haul her apparently naked wet ass out of there. My blood pressure is in the stratosphere waiting for her to answer my question.
“Um, Kooper is a good dear friend. A brother really…You know what? Fuck you and your jealously!” Her stammering was cute and short-lived.
The fiery temper I’ve come to love takes over, and she’s ready to rip my balls off through the phone.
“Diego, we haven’t had a moment to talk this out. I know you want forever, but I very clearly told you we need to move slowly.” I bit my knuckles, trying not to roar my disgust with that word.
Doesn’t she realize how slow I have been? Years! Fucking long agonizingly slow YEARS!
“Ok, I understand and apologize for my outburst. However, it hasn’t been a day since you were in my arms, warming my sheets and cock. So forgive me if hearing another man on your personal phone speaking of you naked set me off. I’m sure if this situationwas reversed, you’d have the same problem.” I huff and pace outside the building I pulled up at a few minutes ago.
“That’s fair. I’d be homicidal if you were swinging that big dick at any other woman.” Say what now?
I chuckle despite myself.
“Big dick?” She snorts.
“You are not fishing for complaints. You know exactly what you have.” I shake my head at her words.
“I think I need to hear it from you. It’ll make up for the whole naked thing.” I lean against my bike and cross my arms.
“It’s a weapon of massive destruction. What you have between your legs is not a cock. It’s a club. How does that not hurt? You need to watch it around the kids. You may knock them out.” Her voice starts serious but then dissolves into giggles as she continues on her tirade.
Is this woman even real?
“I feel like I’m being punked for all my dick jokes growing up.” Her giggles turn into a coughing fit that has me straightening up and looking at the windows, wishing I knew which one was hers.
“I think I miss you.” She finally says once she’s caught her breath.
“I know I miss you. Have you gotten to your destination?” I bit my lip, praying I don’t slip up.
She hasn’t told me where she is, and I need to remember to act like I don’t have a clue.
“New Orleans is hot, muggy, and gross.” I smile, rather enjoying the humidity.
It reminds me of home. The humid heat of the Caribbean is not for the faint of heart. What I wouldn’t give to have her to myself on the shores of Puerto Plata.
“You’re in the Big Easy? You must be in coffee heaven.” I smile as I think of her caffeine addiction.
It’s really not healthy.
“Already had a cup and mean to get another. I missed breakfast and lunch. Everyone is waiting on me for dinner.” I frown cause I know she’s going to rush me off the phone to go eat.
“Alright, Bella. Go get some food and call me before bed. We still haven’t actually talked.” I can hear her rustling through clothes.
“Promise. Bye, Diego.” She hangs up, and I sigh.
Once she leaves, I’m going into the brewery to scoop the place out. I need to figure out the layout, so if I need to rescue her, I can. She’s running from something back home, but whether or not she was told to is the question of the hour.
The hot sun is pounding down on my black leather biker suit.
This thing is great to save me from road rash, but fuck is it hot in these circumstances. Normally, I’d peel off the top layer, but she’s seen my tattoos and piercings now, and they make me very recognizable.