Fifteen years ago
Hannah age 10
I takethe tiara off my head and throw it.
“Uncle Toby! Tell Mama I don’t want to be a beauty queen.” I pout and cross my arms over the pretty dress I’m wearing.
“Come on, Reggie, don’t force her.” I can always count on Toby to take my side.
“FINE! You created this little monster. You deal with her.” Mama walks over to the pageant director’s table, and Uncle Toby grabs my hand, pulling me away from the line of girls.
“Quick, before she changes her mind.” I squeal as we run for the door.
“TOBIAS!” But it’s too late.
Uncle Toby has my helmet on my head, and we’re speeding off on his motorcycle before Mama makes it outside. We pull into HAVOC ten minutes later and I let out a happy sigh.
“Go change and meet me in the ring.” I nod and rush off to the women’s locker room.
I’m in my workout gear and gloves in no time flat. By the time Mama walks into the gym, I’m sweaty and working on my footwork.
“Why did I ever let you train her? She’s never going to be a lady now.” I spit my mouthpiece out and growl at her.
“Ladies are stupid. I’d rather be strong and independent like you.” Her face warms, and I know she’s not mad at me.
“Look at it this way, Reggie. When I’m through with her, you’ll never have to be worried about her with boys.” Uncle Toby winks at Mama, and I frown.
“Ew,” I may only be ten, but I know about the birds and the bees stuff.
It’s gross and never gonna happen.
I was confused when I was younger and thought since Mama got to change into a girl that I could do the same. But then my parents sat me down and really explained it all to me. I get it now. I don’t feel like a boy on the inside. I just can’t stand being a girl.
Mama says it gets easier as I get older, and I guess she should know. I told her I’d fight it off, to which my dad laughed and said if anyone was stubborn enough to ward off womanhood, it was me.
We’re tumbling on the mats, working on submission holds, when I feel wetness on my thighs. Not thinking anything since I’m all sweaty I keep trying to pin Uncle Toby.
“Shit,” he curses and brings his hands up.
They’re bloody, and I gasp.
“Did you cut yourself?” I sit up, and Uncle Toby shakes his head, looking at my legs.
“Oh my god, Hannah, baby, come here.” I stand and walk over to Mama.
“Why am I…OH.” I frown at myself.
This must be that menstrual cycle thing she warned me about.
“FUCK,” Toby shouts and grapples up and runs to a sink to wash his hands.
“Dude, how do you think I feel,” I yell at him and stomp my way to towards the showers.
“FUCK!” I scream when I see how messy I am in the mirrors.
“HANNAH!” Mama yells at me for cursing, but I don’t care.