“Oh, yeah,” Wes says, dragging out the ‘yeah’ as he sighs. “He was the one who was crying outside your dorm that time, right? The video went viral.”
We all know what happened between Evan Branson and Catherine. No one knows the ins and outs other than the fact that his family is filthy rich, and his spoiled ass couldn’t deal with the breakup. Well, that’s what I heard anyway.
Their relationship was so public for the time it lasted; I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been more cautious as to who she dates. It’s also known that we don’t bring it up. Especially after his family did everything they could to scrub the videos and pictures clean when he transferred to North University in Salt Lake only a few weeks into his first year at Drayton.
What an idiot.
She shifts uncomfortably at the memory, averting her gaze to the frosty backyard.
“What did you do to him?” Wes asks, his tone more serious. I don’t like this. I don’t like making her feel like that. I turn to her as I watch the light drain from her face. She bites her bottom lip, the dark flesh turning white.
“We grew apart,” she says quietly.
“That’s it? You just… Grew apart?” Sam asks, clearly not convinced.
“Yep, it’s that simple. Any other questions?”
The boys shake their heads and then Sam starts a rant about how the season is going so far and I welcome the distraction.
I try to keep my eyes on her, trying my hardest to see what she’s thinking but it’s hard to tell. I’m assuming she’s listening to what Sam is saying, storing the information to later add to her documents about the team, but I watch as her gaze slowly drops to the pool, to me and then back to Sam.
Everything she does is so fucking distracting. I can’t understand it. Before, I could crush on her from afar, dreaming of the what-ifs and the maybes, but now she’s right in front of me. The voice in my head quietens when I’m around her. Shegives me something else to focus on. Something that is not my annoying ass brain or my overthinking.
I’m so caught up thinking about her and every glimmer of water on her skin, I don’t even realise the conversation topic has changed.
“Okay, let’s do two truths and a lie. It’s a good icebreaker,” Wes says. I have to blink a few times so my eyes don’t completely gloss over. “Connie, you first.”
I groan inwardly, knowing this is the very last thing I’m good at. I’m always comfortable with these guys more than anything, but there are still times where I don’t have the right words to say or the right way to say them.
“Uh,” I say, starting offverystrong. “I have a cardboard cutout of Russell Wilson in my childhood bedroom, I’ve never peed in a pool, and I’ve not had sex in ten months.”
I was so nervous I had no idea what to say.
Wes snorts. “Well, that last one is definitely a lie.”
“There’s no way you’ve not had sex inten months,” Sam adds.
Catherine shakes her head, trying to hide her smile. “Yeah, and you’ve definitely peed in a pool. Everyone does it.” I shrug, giving them my answer.
“Ten months?” Oli gawks, his jaw wide open. I nod stiffly. “How the hell are you coping?”
“That’s why you’ve been shit on your passes. I bet your wrist is locked up,” Wes says, shaking his head at me like a disappointed dad.
“At least I’m not a manwhore like you,” I retort, a pathetic low blow. They all laugh at that, including Cat.
“Yeah, well, at least I’m getting some,” Wes says, and I roll my eyes.
“Sure,” I mock. “What are your two truths and a lie, asshole?”
He grins at the nickname. “I give killer massages. I love it when my nails are painted and the last timeIhad sex was in Connor’s bed when he wasn’t home.”
Sam crosses his fingers, closing his eyes as if he’s wishing on a star. “Please tell me the last one is the truth.”
“Wesley, for both of our sakes, you better be lying,” I bite out through gritted teeth. That fucker is an animal. I wouldn’t put it past him. He holds my stare and I’mthisclose to strangling him before he finally bursts out laughing and I sigh.
“You should have seen your face!” he guffaws.