Page 13 of Our Secret Moments

“Catherine!” He beams, leaning back in his chair. I smile back at him. “I’m so glad you’re willing to take this opportunity. No one has run Titans Daily in over five years. I've seen your work in the school paper, your dad must be very proud of you.I’mproud of you.”

The feeling in my chest warms at his words. No matter how much distance my dad seemed to put between us, he’s acting as if it didn’t exist. “Thank you and he is.”

He nods happily. “So, if you’re on the team does that mean you’ll be attending games?”

I shrug. “Some of them, I’m assuming, but not all. I've still got a ton of school work to do and I’m not sure exactly what it is that I’m doing here.”

“Well. If you do, I'd love for you to bring your dad too. It’s been a while since we've had a celebrity on campus,” he says, shaking his head at the thought. I don’t know why he places so much trust in my dad after the way he treated him.

“I’m not sure being mayor grants him celebrity status, but I’ll ask,” I say.

“It seems like you're more interested in her dad than you are in her, Coach,” Olivia says, leaning against the doorframe. Ismile at her, grateful she can redirect the conversation. I’m still a little starstruck about my new role, but a little excited to get started. I’m going to need all the help I can get.

He laughs. “Sorry. Anyway, the boys have just finished practice and they’re having a mothers meeting in the locker room. I’ll introduce you to them now. They’re going to be a bit hyper. They’re all like little puppies.”

I have no idea what I’ve gotten myself into.




“Marry me Juliet,you’ll never have to be alone!I love you and that's all I really know!”

We all sing in unison, watching the video back and laughing at our ridiculousness. We finished practice nearly an hour ago before Sam suggested we make a TikTok in the changing rooms. I thought it was stupid at first, but I’m trying to take my mom’s advice.

Naturally, the current trend going around is a video to ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift where somebody has to pretend to propose to someone before they say yes and we all jump around in a circle with the lights off and flashlights on.

Obviously, I got picked to be the person on one knee while Wes wrapped a towel around his head and pretended to be the lovely bride-to-be.

“Let’s do it one more time, folks,” Wes says, wiping the sweat off his forehead. We’re all a shirtless, sweaty mess and someone believes he's the director. He points to Oliver who is by the lights. “Oli, my man, you have one job.Literally. Do it right.”

Oliver nods and I snicker as Wes calls action. He keeps the light on as Sam starts recording Wes’s dramatic entrance aroundthe benches, flicking his ‘hair’ around his shoulder. When he reaches me, I kneel to the ground, open my pretend ring box as the music continues playing through the phone speaker and when the bridge hits, Oliver turns off the lights, I stand and all the flashlights turn on and we’re jumping in a circle.

Two seconds into the song, the lights turn on, ending the fun in an instant.

“Oliver!” Wes shouts. “I swear to God–”

We all turn to the door, heaving until our faces drop when we see who’s there. It’s not Oliver. In fact, Oliver is passed out in Jaxon’s arms somehow, doing some weird bridal carry. Coach Mackenzie clears his throat and a lump gets stuck in mine as I take in who is standing at his sides.

Catherine Fables is in the boys locker room.

She looks fucking stunning.

And I look like… this.

I don’t get time to process it before all of my attention is on Coach. I’m supposed to be leading this team, but clearly I’m doing a bad job at it if we’re spending our time doing TikTok’s to Taylor Swift songs.

Coach sighs, running a hand down his face. “I’m not even going to ask whatever was going on just then, but can everybody please put on a shirt.”

Michael Redford’s – or Red, as we call him – shoulder bumps into mine playfully as he wiggles his eyebrows at Cat and the assistant coach, Olivia. “You sure, Coach? Seems like we’ve got company.”

Coach huffs. “I said put on a shirt, Redford. Or are you incapable of doing that like you have been incapable of catching a ball all season?”

Everyone makes a low sound of disapproval followed by a few snickers. Wes hits Red on the back of his head with a towel. “Ooh, he got you there, Red.”

“Mackenzie!” Coach's harsh tone makes me flinch.