Nora comes into view first. “Who was… Ohmigod!” Her screech is so loud I move back into the kitchen with them to rest the flowers onto the counter and her mouth doesn’t close. “They’re gorgeous, Cat!”
“Holy shit!” Elle screams, bouncing up and down as she sits on the stool, staring up at them, her head in her hands. “Who sent these to you?”
Since the last game that we all went to, Elle has known something has been going on with Connor and I before I was ready to realise it myself. So, now, as she looks at me with her honey coloured eyes, I can tell she wants me to tell the truth, but I bite the inside of my cheek.
I shrug. “I don’t know. Chris said he couldn't say.”
Elle frowns as Nora fuses over them. “There wasn’t a note, or something?”
“Nope,” I say, popping the ‘p.’ Elle’s frown deepens and I feel the guilt churn in my stomach. I hate lying, but I’m also terrifiedas to what is going to change between us when Nora eventually finds out.
“Well, it must be someone from Drayton, because they’re the only people who have access to the Post-To-Dorm system,” Nora explains, still thoroughly inspecting the flowers. She squeals when she looks up at me. “You’ve got a secret admirer, Cat.”
“Apparently,” I mumble, twisting the note Connor left in my pocket.
She squeals again. “This is amazing! We need to figure out who it is immediately and then Elle needs to start dating. Imagine all of us on a triple date.”
“That would be terrifying,” I mutter.
“Definitely,” Elle adds, “You and Ryan are disgusting around each other.”
“Oh, I’m sorry that I love my boyfriend,” Nora retorts. This is an argument that no one will win. We all know this, but Elle likes to try. I use the opportunity to pull out my phone to text Connor about the flowers only to see there’s already a message from him.
Do you like the flowers?
They’re gorgeous, Connie. Thank u so much.
Only the best for you.
I’ll take you out on a proper date this weekend. Be prepared.
Prepared for what….?
It’s a surprise.
Happy Birthday, Cat. I really, really, REALLY like you. Like so much.
Thank you.
I really, really, REALLY, like you too, you idiot.
When I shove my phone back into my pocket, I can’t help the huge smile that is plastered across my face, my heartbeat unable to settle.
For once on my birthday, I don’t feel like the world is going to crash and burn, or that I’m out of place. I’m always going to feel a little lost, that’s just a natural part of growing up, but I don’t feel entirely alone. I know I have the girls and a boyfriend who will always have my back.
“Who do you think sent them?” Nora asks, snapping me out of my daydream as she continues admiring the flowers.
“I’ve got no clue,” I lie, shrugging.
“This is crazy. Someone is clearly head over heels for you and you’ve got no clue. It’s a perfect premise for a book,” she replies, her cheeks turning pink just at the idea. She seems more excited than I am and I know it’s going to crush her when she finds out that it was her brother that sent these to me. “Andpurpleroses. Do you know how rare they are?”
“I mean, those things only happen in books, right?” Elle says, enabling her delusions. “One of the last books I read, the guy filled her whole room with flowers just because he was five minutes late to her birthday dinner. I’m not settling for anything less than that when I eventually start dating.”