Page 68 of Our Secret Moments

After mindlessly watchingLilo & Stitch, I finally have my turn to put agoodmovie on. I thought as I kissed his chest and ran my hands all over him when we sat in front of the screen, that he’d give up on trying to convince me to watch the movie. He ended up tackling me to the ground and tickling me like his life depended on it. Honestly, I don’t mind that much. It reminds me a lot of my childhood, but I enjoy annoying Connor more than any movie.

“Jesus, you’re lucky I like you,” I mutter, feeling as smug as ever as the opening credits to ‘Set It Up,’ play on the screen. It’s finally my turn and despite the low grunt of disapproval he gave me, he’s still holding me close to him, his arm slung around my shoulder.


“Yeah, you’veclearlygot a terrible taste in movies and someone has to educate you on what true cinema is,” I say, gesturing to the screen.

“And that someone is you, right?”


“Well… What if I don’t like your movie taste,” he says, his fingers running down my arm.

“That’s quite literally impossible,” I say, turning to look up at him. “Sorry to break it to you, Connie, but I’m as good as you’re going to get. Everyone likes what I like and I’m confident enough to admit that.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, it’s an absolute fact.”

His eyes narrow, jerking his head back from me to scrutinise me. “Right…”

“Don’t look at me like that!” I swat him on his arm.

“Like what?” he teases, pressing his lips together to hide his smile.

“Like you think I’m crazy,” I say, scooting out of his grip. You’d think after the stellar blow-job I just gave him that he’d be more appreciative of my fantastic taste in movies. I try to move further away on the couch, but my back hits the cushions and he’s over me in seconds, his hands on both sides of my head.

“Lucky for you, you’re my favourite kind of crazy,” he murmurs into the space between us, his hips pressing into mine.

“I didn’t know there were levels to crazy,” I breathe out, trying not to be affected by his weight. He shakes his head.

“Not levels. Categories,” he explains, “Crazy smart.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “Crazy talented.” He presses a kiss to my temple before kissing my throat. “Crazy beautiful.”

My face feels like it’s on fire at the sentiment and all I do is whisper, “Shut up.”

“Make me.”

I spend the next twenty minutes showing him how to shut up and by the time he’s out of the room with a raging hard-on, I can’t get rid of the smile that’s plastered on my face. I feel like a champagne bottle — all fizzy and giggly.

That feeling lasts for a while until my brain goes into overdrive.

Having phone-sex with Connor is one thing. Flirting with him and kissing him is another thing. But giving him one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever given is a completely different thing. As much as I enjoyed it, I have no fucking clue how I’m supposed to keep my attraction to him at bay when we go back to Drayton. Nora is not an idiot. She’ll figure it out eventually.

When Olivia comes stumbling into the room after one in the morning and I’m already snuggled up in bed, watchingModern Familyreruns, she already looks so out of it I don’t know how she managed to see the cheesecake in the fridge.


The cheesecake.

Connor and I’s cheesecake.

“Catherine?” she whispers. Or, well, I thinkshethinks she’s whispering, but she’s so drunk she probably can’t even tell. “Did you buy this?”

“Yeah, I went to the store,” I reply, faking a yawn.

She gags. “You should really get a refund. This doesn’t seem right to me.”

Two seconds later, I’m up out of the bed, holding back her hair as she throws up in the mini kitchen sink.