“It’s good to see you awake and mobile; that is a good sign.” The doctor spoke as if he hadn’t just heard the entirety of our conversation. He bade me lay back as he rubbed his hands gently over the bump on my head, then shone a light in my eyes as he made me move them from side to side. He checked my pulse and temperature and then told me I was fit for nothing other than sitting around for the next forty-eight hours while remaining under watch to ensure I was healing. He left, and my breakfast showed up a moment later in the hands of a super cute guy who had a gun at his hip.
“Uh, hi,” I said awkwardly.
“Hello,” he chirped. “Let me know if you need anything else, Miss Bloom.”
“Antonia, please, and this is fine. Is it from the hotel?”
“No, ma’am, I made it myself,” he said with a prideful expression.
“Wow, I’m honored, thank you very much.” He winked and left me blushing with an exquisite meal balanced on my lap. When Simone, who had left when the doctor was checking me over, returned, she handed me two pills.
“From the doc,” was the only explanation I got. Now that I’d eaten, I chugged them down with more water. Then I leaned back with my coffee.
“You need a nickname, Simone, how about Sim?” She gave me a dirty look making me giggle. “How about Simo? Come on, it’s cute.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Okay fine,” I said in mock exasperation. Simone laughed, and I rolled my eyes to the heavens and said, “Are you ready yet?”
“My god Alex was so right when he called you a brat.”
I broke down laughing until I cried. “No truer words were ever spoken,” I said, gasping for air. “Okay, I’m okay, let’s go.” We moved slowly down the stairs and finally made it to the movie room. Simone had decked out the giant couch with blankets, pillows, and snacks on every surface.
“Girl party,” I said as I found a comfy spot and snuggled in.
“I thought I’d make a pitcher of sangria, then we don’t have to keep making drinks.”
“Oh, good idea, can we do red?”
“Perfect,” she answered. “I prefer red too.”
“Like the color of your ass after a session,” I quipped.
Simone turned toward me from across the room, her eyes wide with shock.
“How did you know?”
“I guessed. Well, truth be told, Alex told me how he found out he was a Daddy Dom, and as it was Johnathan who showed him the way, I assumed you were also ah, uh, you know, submissive or whatever it is called.”
Simone carried over our first pitcher of Sangria and two glasses. She poured us each a generous amount.
“To us two bad girls,” she said, holding up her glass.
I clinked mine against it.To us,I mimicked.
“Hey, did you ever see that 90s classicBad Girls? It’s a western.”
“No, but let me see if I can find it,” Simone said as she flipped on what I referred to as the contraption.
“You seem to know your way around here pretty good. Did you and Alex, you know, ever have a thing?”
Simone blushed furiously. “We did, for about a week a long time ago. We just didn’t click, and then he introduced me to John, and Cupid’s arrow struck hard. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”
I waved it off. “It doesn’t matter. Now, how about a refill?”
“Holy crap, woman, you drank that fast. Slow down, or my ass will be cherry red before the day is over.”
I giggled and tried to imagine what it would be like having a front row seat to Simone’s spanking. Then she found the show and pressed play. For the next two hours, we oohed and awed about how hot Dermot Mulroney looked as the hero cowboy. We were getting pretty hammered by the innocuous red liquid, and we threw onWedding Date,another Dermot movie, and drank a second pitcher of Sangria while we watched. By the time Johnathan walked in, we’d been drinking for five hours, watched two movies, had a pillow fight, and the floor was covered in strewn blankets and leftover junk food.