“Sweetheart, it’s okay to feel different, and it’s okay to trust your feelings. I can tell you how much I’ve come to care about you in such a short time, but I know you won’t believe me.” She looked puzzled but also happily surprised.
“How do you know that about me? How did you manage to see what I have successfully hidden from every other person?”
“Because, Antonia, I am a Dominant who can clearly see what you need and that allows me to know what you want, to let your guard down and be happy.”
A single tear slid down her cheek, dissolving into the blanket beneath her face. I didn’t know if it was from feeling happy, sad, or just present, but it didn’t matter. Antonia had just become mine.
Chapter 7
I was feelingfifty shades of fucked up. Being with a man like Alexander made me question everything, including my own value. How long would it take him to realize I was tainted and wasn’t good enough for a man like him? Alex deserved way more than I could ever offer him. But I knew trying to share that with him would fall on deaf ears. He saw something in me, and I didn’t understand what that was for the life of me. I kept my opinions to myself and decided I would disappear at some point in Tahiti. Cut him loose, set him free.
That ridiculous saying “if you love something, set it free if it comes back it is yours, if it doesn’t, it never was”tickled a memory of my mother, who loved that quote. I never understood it. If you set it free, don’t you want it to be free, to fly away from its restraints? From what he’d shared so far, I gathered Alex had been flying free for some time. Why change it now? And the better question is, why change it for such an unworthy person like me?
When we landed, Alex was greeted as Mr. Savage by everyone we passed. And though they used his last name in deferential treatment to his position, all the faces were smiling and held warm expressions. Alex was well-liked by all it seemed. A car was waiting to drive us the few miles to the Tahitian King. One of many resorts belonging to the Savage kingdom.
Instead of checking into a penthouse suite as I’d supposed we would, Alex grabbed a golf cart and drove for a few minutes to an adjacent property with a bungalow the size of a mansion.
Our bags from our suite on the plane were in the entrance when he opened the door.
“Welcome to Chez Savage.”
The marble foyer showed an expansive space with a glass wall facing the water’s front and an open floor plan with many gorgeous potted tropical plants.
“Wow, it’s something. I take it this is your private residence?”
“It is, and check this out.” He took my hand and drew me to the windows, pressing a button on a panel hidden behind a rattan blind. The wall of floor-to-ceiling glass began to fold and recede into the wall. What kind of witchcraft was this?
“I love it when all the glass is open, and I feel the ocean breeze,” he commented as the panels continued to fully retract until nothing separated the main floor living space from the outside.
I stepped out onto the pavement, admiring the spectacular view and noting it was maybe two hundred feet to the ocean’s edge. I had a wicked thought and stripped off my clothing in a nanosecond, taking off for the water.
“The last one in is a rotten egg.”
I had no idea if there were nudity laws or if his beach was private, and I didn’t care. Suddenly freedom was only steps away. I dove into the water and let it drag me out a bit. Behind me, I heard Alex yelling about the currents, but I was too immersed in the sensations being delivered by the sun and water to give a crap about being in trouble.
I was pushed onto my back by a huge wave. As it crashed over me, I felt like a million tons of pressure was pushing me down. I hadn’t seen it coming and was choking on seawater. As the pressure lifted, I feebly made my way up for a breath. As I lifted my head above water and inhaled, another wave slammed into me. Kicking like crazy to get back up to the surface for air, I feel a steely grip wrap around my wrist and tug me. Just when I thought my lungs would explode, we crested through the water, and I took in great gulps of much-needed oxygen. We were only a few feet from shore, and I was held safely in Alex’s arms. He got us to the beach, where we both collapsed in an exhausted heap. But Alex never released me, his iron grip becoming painful as the panic receded.
“Ouch, you’re hurting me, Daddy. Please let go.” I knew he was mad because he was vibrating, and I hoped that his anger at my stupidity would go away by calling him Daddy. He didn’t speak, but his grip lessened slightly.
“I’m sorry, I had no idea that would happen. Is that what is meant by undertow?”
He finally faced me and what I saw in his face made me feel ashamed of my actions. He wasn’t angry; he was afraid. It was apparent by the haunted look in his eyes. He was freaking me out.
“Alex, Alex, hey.” I shook him a little in an attempt to waken him from his stupor. “It’s okay, I’m okay, you saved me.”
His glazed eyes blinked before understanding replaced the utter fear and shock from a moment ago.
“Damn you, you could have died. What were you thinking?”
Before I could answer, he got to his feet and scooped me back into his arms, thankfully releasing my forearm from his death grip, and stomped up to the house and directly into the shower. Alex wasn’t speaking, and I felt it prudent to not start anything I couldn’t answer and instead chose to keep my mouth shut. I stood still in the ginormous walk-in shower that looked to be carved from a tree trunk while he bathed me in soaps that smelled like mangos and gardenias.
Despite knowing I was in deep shit, I sighed at being so well looked after. I leaned back as Alex cleaned me and washed my hair, his motions light and deft. I moaned aloud, allowing him to see how good he made me feel. Every nook and cranny of me was thoroughly cleaned, and despite the exhaustion in my limbs, I couldn’t help but hope we’d move straight from the cleaning process to the sex process and skip right over the punishment that was inevitably coming. Alex dried me off with a giant fluffy white towel that felt like a cloud on my skin when we were done. He brushed my long hair in front of the mirror, where once again, I found myself captivated by us as I watched him treat me like a porcelain doll. No words were spoken, but an entire conversation was happening with our body language. When he was done, his eyes found mine.
“I accept your apologies, Antonia, but I intend on giving you a lesson that you will never forget. Remember this lesson before you decide that not asking for permission before doing something new is a wise choice. I told you before, I run the show. If you want to swim, you can go to the pool. Or, you can ask me the best time of day to swim in the ocean based on the tides. Don’t run off again until you know this island and its dangers.”
I processed his words. I knew he would never really hurt me, but there were many ways to punish one errant woman, as he’d said multiple times already.