Page 29 of Daddy's Stowaway

“I will be there, Mr. Savage, and not alone. Be aware that I do not like my time wasted.” He hung up, and both Harvey and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I need a drink,” I said, standing. “Harvey, what’s your poison?” He waved his hand, randomly indicating anything. I knew exactly how he felt. What was the appropriate beverage to consume before meeting with the head of the cartel?

Chapter 15


I wokefrom my nap feeling a little fuzzy with a banger of a headache. I cracked open an eye to see the fading light of sunset. I slowly pulled myself into a sitting position and reached for the bottle of water and the pills that were on my side table. I assumed my cute little surfer guard with the gun had placed them there.

Minutes passed and I was waiting for the drugs to kick in and get rid of the headache pounding like a drum in my skull when my bedroom door opened.

“May I come in?”

It was Johnathan. I waved him in, not ready to talk to the man who’d spanked me a few hours ago. I mean, talk about embarrassing.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the foot of my bed.

“The headache is almost gone; that was the worst part.”

“Alex called for you. He is about to head out to an important meeting. I told him I’d wake you up so you could call him back.”

“Oh, thank you.” I grabbed my phone and pressed the last number to call me, which was him.

“I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

I nodded in acknowledgment and gripped the phone tightly.

“Hello, my little she-devil, how are you feeling?”

His tone was light, but I could tell Alex was feeling anxious. He had a tell in his voice like a sub-note that I attributed to being upset.

“I’m much better, thank you, Daddy.” I added in the title he liked me to use despite feeling like the address had no part in this conversation. “I’m worried; you sound stressed.”

He chuckled lightly. “You think you know me, do you? I’ll have to do a better job of keeping you on your toes.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Trust me, Daddy, you keep me on my toes plenty. By the way, uh… do you know about earlier? Like what happened with Simone and me?”

“I do,” he said a little more sternly. “And we will discuss this when I’m home.”

“When is that exactly? I miss you terribly.” Despite wanting to be there for him, even I could hear the tears in my voice. So going with it instead of fighting it, I added, “I need you.”

“Listen to me, Antonia, we are almost at the end of the issue I flew to deal with. Stay strong for me and know I will be back as soon as I can.” His voice was lower and softer than usual, and I knew he was trying to help me stay calm.

“You better, Alexander Savage, because in the impossibly short time I’ve known you, I’ve fallen for you, and I’m so deeply in love that if you didn’t come back to me, my heart would crack in two.” The line was silent for a few torturous moments.

“I love you, Antonia.”

“I love you too, Alex.”

“I have to go. Have faith, and behave. I don’t like another man spanking that ass; it belongs to me.”

Despite the direness of the conversation, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Yes, sir!”

“Good girl, bye for now.”

The line went dead, and I leaned back on the bed. I watched as the first stars of the night made their appearance. I pulled myself out of bed and went downstairs looking for something to eat and found Johnathan.