Page 92 of A Slice of You

We watched as she climbed the stairs. Once she was out of sight, Patrick spun me to face him and looked into my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my forehead.Yes, please keep kissing me like that. It makes me feel tingly.He looked down and smiled, then let out a little laugh.

‘I never thought you’d go for me, Naomi. I thought you would get scared off and say no to me.’

‘Are you kidding? There’s probably ten other women just at your restaurant who’d fight me to be with you. You liking me was the biggest shock of my life.’ My eyes widened with amazement at what he was saying.

‘But none of those women are you, so I’m not interested.’ He grinned. ‘I’ll never forget the day we first went out for coffee. You looked like a glowing angel dressed in that little pink dress with buttons. That’s when I first noticed your goddess figure.’ He smiled to himself at the thought. ‘To me, you were the most attractive woman in that room.’

I smiled and never felt more desirable in my life. It was crazy how simple words like those could make me feel so special.

Patrick grabbed my hands and began swaying with me to the soft Christmas tunes playing in the background. I wasn’t a dancer – I’d always been a bit uncoordinated outside of the kitchen – but I could manage this gentle side-to-side motion. AsI nuzzled my head into his chest, I breathed in the scent of his skin. He smelt just like the first time I met him, and a million memories flooded my mind. I still couldn’t believe how much had happened over the past couple of months – if you’d asked me in June if this was what I’d envisioned by early December, I would have laughed. This was all so unexpected, but I guess the best things in life often are.


Christmas Eve

The sunlightpoured through the skylight above Patrick’s bed, awakening me. I squinted, then rolled over to pick up my phone from the sleek black nightstand on my side. The nightstand had golden drawer pulls, which was fitting, with his blue wallpaper decorated in golden arch shapes. His room exuded an Art Deco vibe. As I checked my phone for messages, I got distracted by the background photo of Dad and our flour-covered faces.Love you, Dad. Hope you’re having fun cooking up a storm and singing with Elvis in heaven.A happy tear slipped down my cheek. Mum had told me a dozen times how proud he’d be of me, and it hurt like hell I’d never see him again in this life, but I was grateful for technology keeping happy moments alive through snapshots. I had zero messages as of yet, but that didn’t matter because my phone reminded me it was: December 24. Christmas Eve.

As my head hit the plump pillow again, I thought back to everything that had happened this month: Patrick and I had spent every night together, and we went into work together eachshift. He handled front-of-house, and I remained queen of the pizza section and even had the honour of putting a coriander and basil pesto chicken pizza on the Noosa menu. The words he said to me when he tried my creation still make my cheeks blush:‘This is incredible, Naomi. Everything you make has a magic touch.’Trish also raved about it and said it was one of the best-constructed pizzas she’d had. It was a big deal putting anything new on the menu, and everyone in the kitchen had to agree on it or it wouldn’t make the cut.

Trish had been ridiculously nice since the whole Daniel drama to the point she got me cold drinks every shift and even asked for my opinion on food she’d cooked. It was bizarre and flattering that, all of a sudden, she treated me with the same level of respect she did Patrick.

Daniel sold his restaurant to Paul and moved to Cairns for a fresh start, and there were rumours he’d bought an adult entertainment shop. The change in Mon Amour under Paul’s leadership was incredible: this time, it wasn’t just Moroccan-inspired – it was delicious, authentic Moroccan.

Deb messaged me every so often, bragging about her job and how much money she was earning, and she posted dozens of selfies on Instagram. It was nice to hear from her and see her doing well. I appreciated the good memories and did miss our extravagant shopping trips to Mecca. We’d never be close again, but I would always wish her well.

Looking back, I can say with honesty I never expected to fall in love with Patrick Vitello.Love was just a fairy tale, or so I’d always told myself; love was something that led to disappointment or failure. It was safer to keep my heart tucked in my chest. Scott and Sebastian were fine examples of why, but life with Patrick had proved me wrong and altered my mind. Being with Patrick felt dreamlike and effortless. I’d even vaguely entertained the idea of what our wedding might look like, laterdown the track, and sometimes looked at diamond rings in jewellery boutiques. Oh, how quickly things can change. Just like that, one person walks into your life and makes you rethink everything, andboom– you’re in love.

‘Good morning,mio luce del sole,’ Patrick said as he walked up the steps and into the bedroom. He leapt effortlessly onto the bed like a panther, then leant down to kiss me, bringing me back to my current life.

‘Good morning,’ I whispered back as I stared at his black linen shirt and oat-coloured cotton pants. He was already dressed and smelled divine.

‘I’ve got a surprise planned for you today,’ he said as happiness twinkled in his eyes.

‘Really?’ I smiled. ‘What is it?’

‘It’s asurprise.’ He flashed his perfect white teeth. ‘All I’ll say is … No, you can wait.’

I wasn’t used to surprises on Christmas Eve; that was more a Christmas Day thing.

‘Just wear your sunflower dress.’ He winked at me.

I nodded, got out of bed, and padded over to my suitcase in his humungous walk-in wardrobe. As I got dressed, I admired the shelves lined with designer suits and linen shirts and glimpsed his red velvet drawer filled with men’s jewellery. The jewellery was protected with a spotless glass lid. His closet was like something you’d see in a Hollywood mansion. Very suave.

Once I was dressed, I walked over to him and twirled around in my dress with a big grin on my face.

‘I could never be bored of that dress on you,’ he said as his smiley eyes crinkled.

‘It definitely holds some good memories.’ I smiled again.

He nodded while I stared at the sunlight on his olive skin. His hair was loosely tied back, revealing his golden hooped earrings, and he was propped up against the black leather headboard, oneleg over the other, with both hands behind his head. He exuded a regal yet casual vibe no matter what his body was doing.

I fought off the urge to climb on his lap, sit there, and kiss him but knew I’d better save that for later.

He stood and said, ‘Now time for your surprise. Close your eyes, and I’ll walk you downstairs.’ His warm hand grabbed mine, and just that feeling alone warmed my entire body.

‘Okay.’ I squeezed my eyes shut, and a flutter of excitement ran through my tummy as we hit the first step on the staircase.I wonder whatmy surprise is.

It was scary walking down the steps with no vision; my feet did all the work, and my heart raced with nervous excitement. I sure didn’t want to fall over again, but I had full trust in Patrick’s hands.